Etymology and distribution of 足澤.

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足澤(たるさわ / あしざわ / たりさわ)さんの由来と分布



Tarusawa 【足澤】レベル3
About 120
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Oosaka-fu , Hiroshima-ken , Hyougo-ken .

Oosaka-fu Oosaka-shi Nakatsu (Nakatsu) -su is a place where the name is recorded in the Kamakura period.

Ooita-ken Nakatsu-shi is a place name with the name of "Nakatsu River" recorded during the Warring States Period. Near Fukuoka-ken Yukuhashi-shi (formerly Nakatsu-gun) was a place name with a record since the Nara period. The place name was also written as "Nakatsu."

Kumamoto-ken Kuma-gun Kuma-mura The birthplace of Nakatsu in the Kazama area . It is distributed in the same place.

Topography . From the transit in the center. Miyazaki-ken Kobayashi-shi From the Nakazu gate of the gate division system that was in the Edo era in the southwest. Tochigi-ken Kanuma-shi In Toyama-ken told me that Toyama-ken is out.

⑤ A variant of 中澤 . Iwate-ken In Daito-cho of Ichinoseki-shi told that officials mistyped Nakazawa surname at the Meiji New surname. 中澤 Nakazawa reference.

Tokushima-ken Tokushima-shi Born of Nakazu Takara Town. It is distributed in the same place.

2021年 9月 28日 更新

Ashizawa 【足澤】レベル3
About 120
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

安見 Yasumi reference.

2019年 9月 23日 更新

Tarisawa 【足澤】レベル3
About 120
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Yamanashi-ken Chuuou-shi , Yamanashi-ken Koufu-shi . Yamanashi-ken Chuuou-shi The birth of Naka-sho . A place name with a record since the Warring States Period.

2018年 9月 11日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Iwate-ken(About 30)
2 Aomori-ken(About 30)
3 Chiba-ken(About 20)
4 Tochigi-ken(About 10)
5 Toukyou-to(About 10)
5 Saitama-ken(About 10)
7 Kanagawa-ken(Very rare)
7 Aichi-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 120
Rank by city
1 Ninohe-shi(About 20)
2 Morioka-shi(About 10)
3 Nikkou-shi(About 10)
3 Chiba-shi Midori-ku(About 10)
3 San'nohe-gun San'nohe-machi(About 10)
3 San'nohe-gun Takko-machi(About 10)
7 Utsunomiya-shi(Very rare)
7 Setagaya-ku(Very rare)
7 Takizawa-shi(Very rare)
7 Ayase-shi(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 青森県 三戸郡田子町 田子天神堂平(About 10)
1 岩手県 二戸市 足沢槙木平(About 10)


If you know the etymology of 足澤, please give us information!

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Ashizawa 【足澤】レベル3
About 120
, Tarisawa 【足澤】レベル3
About 120
are referenced.


max: 143 / 月