Etymology and distribution of 足沢.

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足沢(たるさわ / あしざわ / たりさわ)さんの由来と分布



Tarusawa 【足沢】レベル3
About 400
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

仲長 Nakaosa reference.

2024年 4月 29日 更新

Ashizawa 【足沢】レベル3
About 400
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Miyagi-ken , Hokkaidou , Tottori-ken .

安曇 's variant. Miyagi-ken Ishinomaki-shi It was in Shinyamahama during the Edo period. Tell them that they are groundbreaking in the same place.

Saga-ken Saga-shi Originated from Anjou, a small figure in Imaizumi-cho. Saga-ken Saga-shi The inside of the castle was in the Edo period in the Saga Samurai of the Clan office.

2019年 9月 23日 更新

Tarisawa 【足沢】レベル3
About 400
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hokkaidou , Iwate-ken , Aomori-ken .

things . Aomori-ken Hachinohe-shi From Naka-kan that was located in the Northeast of Negishi which was in Muromachi period in Negi.

things . Fukushima-ken Ishikawa-gun From Tamakawa-mura Nakamura-kan was in the Civil War period.

things . Miyagi-ken Kosen'numa-shi It is told that this residents lived in the middle age of Shizugawa castle which was in Miyagi-ken Motoyoshi-gun Minamisanriku-chou Shitsugawa in this shogun at the age of warring States.

2017年 10月 15日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Aomori-ken(About 200)
2 Iwate-ken(About 90)
3 Hokkaidou(About 60)
4 Kanagawa-ken(About 20)
5 Tottori-ken(About 10)
5 Toukyou-to(About 10)
5 Miyagi-ken(About 10)
8 Chiba-ken(About 10)
9 Shizuoka-ken(Very rare)
9 Nagano-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 400
Rank by city
1 San'nohe-gun San'nohe-machi(About 80)
2 San'nohe-gun Takko-machi(About 50)
3 Morioka-shi(About 40)
4 Ninohe-shi(About 30)
5 Misawa-shi(About 30)
6 Hachinohe-shi(About 30)
7 Kitami-shi(About 10)
8 Saihaku-gun Houki-chou(About 10)
8 Tagajou-shi(About 10)
8 Wakkanai-shi(About 10)
Rank by subregion
1 青森県 三戸郡田子町 田子天神堂平(About 20)
2 青森県 三沢市 三川目(About 20)
3 青森県 三戸郡田子町 田子衣更下モ平(About 10)
4 北海道 北見市 相内町(About 10)
4 青森県 三戸郡三戸町 斗内清水田(About 10)
4 岩手県 二戸市 足沢下平(About 10)
4 岩手県 盛岡市 西青山(About 10)
4 青森県 三戸郡三戸町 斗内山端(About 10)
4 青森県 三戸郡三戸町 斗内団子坂(About 10)


If you know the etymology of 足沢, please give us information!

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Tarusawa 【足澤】レベル3
About 120
are variants.

Ashizawa 【足沢】レベル3
About 400
, Tarisawa 【足沢】レベル3
About 400
are referenced.


max: 181 / 月