Akado 【赤土】レベル4
About 900
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Hiroshima-ken . Hiroshima-ken Jinseki-gun Jinsekikougen-chou There is distribution in Fukunaga.
Hiroshima-ken . Hiroshima-ken Jinseki-gun Jinsekikougen-chou There is distribution in Fukunaga.
Iwate-ken , Okayama-ken . Estimated from red soil and forest. Iwate - ken Kunohe - gun Hirono - chou Town City, Okayama - ken Kurashiki - shi Distributed in Sakazu.
Akita-ken Akita-shi · Kanagawa-ken . Occupation . From the name of Bamboo Kameya (Takekameya). Akita-ken Akita-shi Distributed in Tsuchizaki -ku west.
Kagoshima-ken Ooshima-gun Isen-chou .
① Personal name . First letter surname of Amagi archipelago of Kagoshima-ken . Kagoshima - ken Ooshima - gun In Isen - chou tell her that the descendants used "always" from the name of the welfare. Estimated in the Edo period.
② Hiroshima-ken Fukuyama-shi Shinmachi Town Generally born . A place name with a record since the Heian period. The place name was also written as "Miyako".
Whole Japan | Prefectures | |
レベル | 4 |
1 Nara-ken(About 300) 2 Oosaka-fu(About 200) 3 Hyougo-ken(About 100) 4 Wakayama-ken(About 70) 5 Ishikawa-ken(About 50) 6 Mie-ken(About 40) 7 Aichi-ken(About 30) 8 Fukui-ken(About 20) 8 Kanagawa-ken(About 20) 8 Toukyou-to(About 20) |
Population | About 900 | |
Ranking | 8,494 |
Rank by city |
1 Kashiba-shi(About 120) 2 Yamatotakada-shi(About 90) 3 Kanazawa-shi(About 40) 4 Minamimuro-gun Kihou-chou(About 30) 4 Wakayama-shi(About 30) 6 Koube-shi Nagata-ku(About 30) 7 Yao-shi(About 20) 8 Iwaki-shi(About 20) 8 Sakai-shi(About 20) 8 Ikoma-gun Ikaruga-chou(About 20) |
Rank by subregion |
1 奈良県 香芝市 狐井(About 110) 2 奈良県 大和高田市 野口(About 30) 3 三重県 南牟婁郡紀宝町 神内(About 30) 4 奈良県 大和高田市 野口西代(About 20) 5 和歌山県 和歌山市 鳴神(About 10) 6 大阪府 高槻市 真上町(About 10) 6 兵庫県 神戸市長田区 名倉町(About 10) 6 兵庫県 神戸市長田区 高取山町(About 10) 6 和歌山県 和歌山市 内原(About 10) 6 静岡県 榛原郡川根本町 久野脇(About 10) |
Shakudo 【尺土】レベル2
About 20 exist.
Akatsuchi 【赤土】レベル4
About 900, Shakudo 【赤土】レベル4
About 900, Shakudo 【尺土】レベル2
About 20, Sekido 【赤土】レベル4
About 900 are referenced.