Etymology and distribution of 藤崎.

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藤崎(ふじさき / ふじざき / とうざき / とうさき)さんの由来と分布



Fujisaki 【藤崎】レベル6
About 32,600
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Yamaguchi-ken Ooshima-gun Suouooshima-chou . Male is on Male 's name.

2022年 7月 31日 更新

Tousaki 【藤崎】レベル6
About 32,600
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Mie-ken Yokkaichi-shi , Oosaka-fu , Nagano-ken .

Topography . From Hagi and the village. There is a place name including "Hagi". Mie - ken Yokkaichi - shi Wagi (Hagi) The town was a place name with a record since the Edo period. The place name was also written as "feather tree" and "hagi".

Nara-ken Tenri-shi birth town (Old: Hagi Besso) originated. Place name with a record since the North / South morning era. In the same place, say from the name of the place called "Hagi Besso village".

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Touzaki 【藤崎】レベル6
About 32,600
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Ehime-ken . Thing . Ehime-ken Yawatahama-shi From Hagiwami Hachioori Shrine in Ohira (formerly Hagoromori Shrine). The company tells that it was founded after the falling castle in 1585 (Tensho 13 years) of Hagiomori Castle that was located in the same place.

2020年 7月 29日 更新

Fujizaki 【藤崎】レベル6
About 32,600
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Tottori-ken Yonago-shi · Kyouto-fu · Nara-ken . Terrain . Heterogeneity 森中 the 森中 . Tottori-ken Yonago-shi Nishi - fukuhara, Nara-ken Yoshino-gun Yoshino-chou There is distribution in the vegetables.

2020年 10月 22日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル6 1 Chiba-ken(About 4,600)
2 Kagoshima-ken(About 3,500)
3 Fukuoka-ken(About 2,600)
4 Toukyou-to(About 2,100)
5 Kanagawa-ken(About 1,900)
6 Oosaka-fu(About 1,800)
7 Ibaraki-ken(About 1,400)
8 Saitama-ken(About 1,300)
9 Niigata-ken(About 1,200)
10 Hokkaidou(About 1,100)
PopulationAbout 32,600
Rank by city
1 Kagoshima-shi(About 1,800)
2 Narita-shi(About 1,000)
3 Niigata-shi(About 500)
4 Katori-shi(About 500)
5 Sakura-shi(About 400)
6 Kitakyuushuu-shi Yahatanishi-ku(About 300)
7 Tomisato-shi(About 300)
8 Kouchi-shi(About 300)
9 Yokosuka-shi(About 300)
10 Saga-shi(About 300)
Rank by subregion
1 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 谷山中央(About 200)
2 千葉県 香取市 高萩(About 120)
3 茨城県 潮来市 上戸(About 110)
4 千葉県 佐倉市 大佐倉(About 100)
5 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 伊敷町(About 100)
6 千葉県 香取市 佐原(About 100)
7 千葉県 富里市 七栄(About 90)
8 福岡県 遠賀郡水巻町 吉田東(About 80)
9 鹿児島県 姶良市 脇元(About 80)
10 千葉県 富里市 久能(About 70)


If you know the etymology of 藤崎, please give us information!

Similar names:

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About 800
, Tousaki 【塔崎】レベル3
About 100
, Tousaki 【党崎】レベル2
About 10
, Tousaki 【黨崎】レベル2
About 10
, Touzaki 【東崎】レベル4
About 800
, Touzaki 【塔崎】レベル3
About 100
, Touzaki 【塘崎】レベル2
About 20
, Touzaki 【党崎】レベル2
About 10
, Touzaki 【冬崎】レベル1
Very rare
, Dousaki 【堂崎】レベル4
About 500
, Dousaki 【銅崎】レベル2
About 10
, Douzaki 【堂崎】レベル4
About 500
, Douzaki 【道崎】レベル3
About 400
, Douzaki 【銅崎】レベル2
About 10
, Douzaki 【同崎】レベル2
About 10
, Douzaki 【堂嵜】レベル1
Very rare
, Fushizaki 【伏崎】レベル2
About 20
, Fujisaki 【藤咲】レベル5
About 2,100
, Fujisaki 【藤嵜】レベル3
About 200
, Fujisaki 【冨士崎】レベル3
About 60
, Fujisaki 【富士崎】レベル3
About 50
, Fujisaki 【不二崎】レベル2
About 40
, Fujisaki 【藤先】レベル2
About 20


Fujigasaki 【藤ケ崎】レベル4
About 1,000
, Fujigasaki 【藤ケ嵜】レベル1
Very rare
, Fujisaki 【藤嵜】レベル3
About 200
are variants.

Fujisaki 【冨士崎】レベル3
About 60
, Fujisaki 【富士崎】レベル3
About 50
, Fujisaki 【不二崎】レベル2
About 40
, Fujisaku 【藤咲】レベル5
About 2,100

Karito 【狩戸】レベル3
About 100
, Tousaki 【藤崎】レベル6
About 32,600
, Touzaki 【藤崎】レベル6
About 32,600
, Fujigasaki 【藤ケ崎】レベル4
About 1,000
, Fujigasaki 【藤ケ嵜】レベル1
Very rare
, Fujizaki 【藤崎】レベル6
About 32,600
, Fujisaku 【藤咲】レベル5
About 2,100
, Fujisou 【藤宗】レベル3
About 130
, Fujimoto 【藤本】レベル7
About 204,500
are referenced.


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