Etymology and distribution of 菅谷.

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菅谷(すがや / すがたに / すがのや / すげのや)さんの由来と分布



Sugaya 【菅谷】レベル6
About 28,300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Saga-ken Taku-shi . Saga-ken Taku-shi Originated from Ushara, a small figure in Kita - Higachi-machi Ookami Nagao.

2021年 8月 31日 更新

Sugatani 【菅谷】レベル6
About 28,300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Tochigi-ken , Kagoshima-ken .

Tochigi-ken Haga-gun Ichikai-machi Born of Tanabe. A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Ibaraki-ken Kashima-shi Born in Tanabe. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period.

Topography . From near the fields and the fields. Kagoshima-ken Kanoya-shi Genghisa is based in the upper name. It was in the Edo period in the same place.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Suganoya 【菅谷】レベル6
About 28,300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Fukui-ken · Toukyou-to , Aichi-ken . Summary . Abbreviation for tobacco valley. In Fukui-ken , tell the official that the official corrected the tobacco Taneya that he called because he was carrying a cigarette with a ship. Estimated around 1900. 煙草谷 Tabakotani reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Sugenoya 【菅谷】レベル6
About 28,300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Yamaguchi-ken , Wakayama-ken , Toukyou-to . Variant of 田村 . Yamaguchi-ken Shuunan-shi Tell her that she was engaged in agriculture at Shinzaka. Estimated in the Edo period. At Hokkaidou Nemuro - shi , tell Fukui - ken Fukui - shi Kuniyama - cho.

2017年 10月 15日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル6 1 Chiba-ken(About 6,200)
2 Ibaraki-ken(About 6,100)
3 Toukyou-to(About 3,100)
4 Saitama-ken(About 2,000)
5 Kanagawa-ken(About 1,900)
6 Tochigi-ken(About 1,800)
7 Aichi-ken(About 1,300)
8 Shizuoka-ken(About 800)
9 Hokkaidou(About 800)
10 Gunma-ken(About 400)
PopulationAbout 28,300
Rank by city
1 Katori-shi(About 1,600)
2 Hokota-shi(About 1,400)
3 Asahi-shi(About 1,100)
4 Utsunomiya-shi(About 600)
5 Katori-gun Tounoshou-machi(About 500)
6 Kasama-shi(About 500)
7 Shinshiro-shi(About 500)
8 Mito-shi(About 400)
9 Kamisu-shi(About 400)
10 Namegata-shi(About 300)
Rank by subregion
1 茨城県 鉾田市 上沢(About 500)
2 千葉県 香取市 府馬(About 300)
3 茨城県 鉾田市 汲上(About 200)
4 茨城県 猿島郡境町 長井戸(About 200)
5 栃木県 宇都宮市 氷室町(About 200)
5 千葉県 香取市 小見川(About 200)
7 茨城県 笠間市 押辺(About 200)
8 千葉県 香取市 阿玉川(About 140)
9 千葉県 旭市 琴田(About 110)
9 秋田県 横手市 上境館(About 110)


If you know the etymology of 菅谷, please give us information!

Similar names:

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, Suganoya 【菅野屋】レベル2
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, Sugaya 【管谷】レベル3
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, Sugaya 【菅ケ谷】レベル3
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, Sugaya 【菅屋】レベル3
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, Sugaya 【須賀谷】レベル2
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, Sugaya 【周嘉谷】レベル2
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, Sugaya 【須萱】レベル2
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, Sugenoya 【菅屋】レベル3
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Sugatani 【菅渓】レベル2
About 20
, Sugatani 【菅溪】レベル2
About 10
, Suganoya 【菅野谷】レベル3
About 200
, Suganoya 【菅ノ谷】レベル1
Very rare
, Sugaya 【管谷】レベル3
About 300
are variants.

Suganoya 【菅之屋】レベル2
About 30
, Suganoya 【菅野屋】レベル2
About 30
, Sugaya 【菅屋】レベル3
About 70
, Sugaya 【須賀谷】レベル2
About 30
, Sugaya 【周嘉谷】レベル2
About 10
, Sugaya 【須萱】レベル2
About 10

Sugatani 【菅谷】レベル6
About 28,300
, Sugatani 【菅渓】レベル2
About 20
, Sugatani 【菅溪】レベル2
About 10
, Suganoya 【菅谷】レベル6
About 28,300
, Suganoya 【菅野谷】レベル3
About 200
, Suganoya 【菅之屋】レベル2
About 30
, Suganoya 【菅野屋】レベル2
About 30
, Suganoya 【菅ノ谷】レベル1
Very rare
, Sugenoya 【菅谷】レベル6
About 28,300
, Hono 【穂野】レベル2
About 30
are referenced.


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