Etymology and distribution of 英.

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英(えい / はなぶさ / はなふさ / あなた)さんの由来と分布



Hanabusa 【英】レベル5
About 3,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Akita-ken , Niigata-ken . Terrain . Heteromorphism of 丸之内 . Akita-ken Akita-shi Distribution in the Terai Oil Field.

2021年 7月 28日 更新

Anata 【英】レベル5
About 3,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Ishikawa-ken , Hiroshima-ken , Okayama-ken .

Ishikawa-ken Kahoku-gun Distributed in Tsubata-machi .

Hiroshima-ken Sera-gun Sera-chou Originated from Tsubotani, a rain pale in Todari. In the same place I will tell you that it is a grass-rope by Mr. Ping's descendant. Taira reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Ei 【英】レベル5
About 3,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Gifu-ken , Saga-ken Fujitsu-gun Tara-chou , Aichi-ken .

things . Meaning "big saw". Gifu - ken Kamo - gun Yaotsu - chou We tell him that he was felling trees at Yaizu - zawa. Aichi-ken Tahara-shi Tawaramachi Tepe was in the Edo period in the clan san Tahara of the clan office.

Saga-ken Fujitsu-gun Tara-chou Originated from big owl of Otakura's small figure.

2021年 7月 28日 更新

Hanafusa 【英】レベル5
About 3,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kagoshima-ken , Oosaka-fu , Fukuoka-ken .

Kagoshima-ken Minamikyuushuu-shi Kuramocho Akkesa Akira Maruno originated. On the same day there was Maruno gate of the gate division system in the Edo period.

Topography . From a round field. Kumamoto-ken in the Muromachi period, Mie-ken Kameyama-shi Honmaru cho was in the Edo era in the Ise Kameyama clan in the clan office. Kagoshima-ken Soo-shi From the Maruno gate of the gate division system in Sueyoshicho Nankinosato that was in the Edo period.

Good neighbor . Occupation . Nara - ken Nara - shi In Tohno - osaka Town tells me that it is the Meiji new family name by the shop name of the Maruya store.

2020年 12月 28日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル5 1 Ishikawa-ken(About 300)
2 Kagawa-ken(About 300)
3 Oosaka-fu(About 200)
4 Toukyou-to(About 200)
5 Hyougo-ken(About 200)
6 Kanagawa-ken(About 140)
6 Hokkaidou(About 140)
8 Tokushima-ken(About 130)
9 Kagoshima-ken(About 120)
9 Iwate-ken(About 120)
PopulationAbout 3,000
Rank by city
1 Takamatsu-shi(About 200)
2 Kanazawa-shi(About 130)
3 Kahoku-gun Tsubata-machi(About 110)
4 Isawa-gun Kanegasaki-chou(About 80)
5 Tokushima-shi(About 60)
6 Okayama-shi(About 40)
7 Ooshima-gun Kikai-chou(About 40)
7 Kagoshima-shi(About 40)
7 Shouzu-gun Tonoshou-chou(About 40)
10 Kahoku-gun Uchinada-machi(About 30)
Rank by subregion
1 香川県 高松市 飯田町(About 70)
2 香川県 高松市 鬼無町鬼無(About 30)
3 香川県 小豆郡土庄町 大部(About 30)
3 石川県 河北郡津幡町 下矢田(About 30)
5 岡山県 苫田郡鏡野町 和田(About 20)
5 香川県 高松市 国分(About 20)
5 徳島県 徳島市 上八万町花房(About 20)
8 大分県 別府市 両郡橋(About 20)
8 愛媛県 越智郡上島町 下弓削(About 20)
8 石川県 河北郡津幡町 池ケ原(About 20)


If you know the etymology of 英, please give us information!

Similar names:

Anata 【穴田】レベル5
About 4,100
, Anata 【穴太】レベル3
About 80
, Anada 【穴田】レベル5
About 4,100
, Anada 【阿那田】レベル1
Very rare
, Ei 【栄】レベル5
About 7,600
, Ei 【江井】レベル4
About 600
, Ei 【永】レベル4
About 600
, Ei 【衛】レベル3
About 130
, Ei 【頴娃】レベル3
About 100
, Ei 【恵井】レベル2
About 20
, Ei 【江居】レベル2
About 10
, Hanafusa 【花房】レベル5
About 8,000
, Hanafusa 【華房】レベル3
About 140
, Hanafusa 【花補佐】レベル3
About 50
, Hanabusa 【花房】レベル5
About 8,000
, Hanabusa 【栄】レベル5
About 7,600
, Hanabusa 【纐纈】レベル5
About 5,100
, Hanabusa 【榮】レベル3
About 400
, Hanabusa 【華房】レベル3
About 140
, Hanabusa 【花補佐】レベル3
About 50
, Hanabusa 【花栄】レベル2
About 30
, Hanabusa 【萼】レベル2
About 20
, Hanabusa 【蕚】レベル2
About 10


Hanabusa 【花房】レベル5
About 8,000
are variants.

Anata 【英】レベル5
About 3,000
, Anada 【穴田】レベル5
About 4,100
, Anou 【穴太】レベル3
About 80
, Ei 【英】レベル5
About 3,000
, Hanafusa 【英】レベル5
About 3,000
are referenced.


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