Naya 【納屋】レベル3
About 300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Kagoshima-ken , Oosaka-fu . Miyazaki-ken Saito-shi Legal origin of wife law. In Miyazaki-ken during the Warring States Period, Kagoshima-ken in the Azuchi Momoyama Period, Miyazaki-ken Miyazaki-shi Sayohara-cho Uedajima was in the Edo period in the Clan Sahara in the Clan office.
2023年 1月 21日 更新
Naiya 【納屋】レベル3
About 300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Aichi-ken Anjou-shi , Ishikawa-ken Kanazawa-shi , Mie-ken Shima-shi . Terrain . From a large village. Aichi-ken Anjou-shi , Ishikawa-ken Kanazawa-shi Marunouchi was in the Edo period in the Kaga clan in the Clan office.
2019年 5月 11日 更新
Nouya 【納屋】レベル3
About 300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Kyouto-fu Kyoutango-shi · Oosaka-fu . Kyouto-fu Kyoutango-shi Distributed in Kuikihama Town Hotei. Kyouto-fu Kyoutango-shi There are Matsuzuka old tombs in Tango town.
2020年 9月 10日 更新