Etymology and distribution of 立村.

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立村(たてむら / たつむら / たちむら)さんの由来と分布



Tatemura 【立村】レベル3
About 200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Miyazaki-ken , Kumamoto-ken .

① variant of 中武 . Miyazaki-ken Koyu-gun Kijou-chou It was in Nakanoshima during the Edo period. Tell him that he was engaged in agriculture in the same area.

Hiroshima-ken Miyoshi-shi Distributed in Sanwa Town Kamiichi. There is 竹岡 surname in the same place. 竹岡 Takeoka reference.

Topography . Kagoshima-ken Ichikikushikino-shi From the center of the mountain pot (Takegama) in the vicinity of Kitahama cho (old: lower name).

2024年 4月 29日 更新

Tachimura 【立村】レベル3
About 200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kagoshima-ken , Nagano-ken , Nagasaki-ken .

Kagoshima-ken Isa-shi Originated from Yuike pond in Hishikari Nanpo.

Kagoshima-ken Kirishima-shi Birthplace of Kirishima Taguchi Yonkei. Kagoshima-ken Kirishima-shi Distributed in Kirishima Taguchi.

Topography . A variant of 長池 . Nagano-ken Shimotakai-gun Yamanouchi-machi It was in the Edo era at nighttime. Tell them that they are groundbreaking in the same place. Kumamoto-ken Kumamoto-shi Chuo-ku Honmaru was in the Edo era at the Kumamoto clan in the Clan office.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Tatsumura 【立村】レベル3
About 200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hyougo-ken , Kyouto-fu . There is an example of using a "valley" for a store of a shop name. Hyougo-ken Toyooka-shi Tanggawa originated in Tata-cho.

2020年 6月 26日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Oosaka-fu(About 60)
2 Toyama-ken(About 40)
3 Kyouto-fu(About 30)
4 Kanagawa-ken(About 20)
4 Hiroshima-ken(About 20)
4 Yamaguchi-ken(About 20)
7 Ibaraki-ken(About 10)
8 Kumamoto-ken(About 10)
8 Wakayama-ken(About 10)
10 Kagoshima-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 200
Rank by city
1 Nakaniikawa-gun Tateyama-machi(About 20)
2 Toyama-shi(About 20)
3 Yawata-shi(About 10)
3 Kyouto-shi Ukyou-ku(About 10)
3 Omitama-shi(About 10)
3 Takatsuki-shi(About 10)
3 Ibaraki-shi(About 10)
3 Hiroshima-shi Nishi-ku(About 10)
9 Kumage-gun Hirao-chou(About 10)
9 Tanabe-shi(About 10)
Rank by subregion
1 富山県 中新川郡立山町 宮路(About 20)
2 広島県 広島市西区 大宮(About 10)
2 大阪府 茨木市 中穂積(About 10)
4 山口県 熊毛郡平生町 宇佐木山田(About 10)
4 茨城県 小美玉市 小川(About 10)
4 大阪府 大阪市生野区 勝山南(About 10)
4 和歌山県 田辺市 請川(About 10)


If you know the etymology of 立村, please give us information!

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Tachimura 【立村】レベル3
About 200
, Tatsumura 【立村】レベル3
About 200
are referenced.


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