Etymology and distribution of 稲里.

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稲里(いなざと / いなさと)さんの由来と分布

Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Inazato 【稲里】レベル3
About 120
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kagoshima-ken .

Topography . From the Beppu gate now in the Edo period. An example of the location of the gate. Kagoshima - ken Satsuma - ken Satsuma - ken Satsuma - gun Satsuma - chou Hirakawa, Kagoshima - ken Satsumasendai - shi Higawibichi City Ibarino, Kagoshima - ken Kagoshima - shi Kiwari Nakamachi - cho, Kagoshima - ken Kimotsuki - gun Minamioosumi -chou Legend Yokogetsu, Miyazaki-ken Miyakonojou-shi Yamada cho Yamada. The gate name is from the new Beppu.

Kagoshima-ken Kirishima-shi Mihoko town It originated from the Beppu (Imabu) of Takeko's underwear now. There was a Beppu gate in the same place now in the Edo period.

Kagoshima-ken Soo-shi birthplace of Financial Town Minamata's underwear now comes from Beppu.

Kagoshima-ken Kimotsuki-gun Minamioosumi-chou Sata It originated from Beppu, which is a small -scale figure of Izashiki. There was a Beppu gate in the same place now in the Edo period.

Kagoshima-ken Soo-shi Sameyoshicho Originated from Beppu of the Suwa-no-Omori prefecture. There was a Beppu gate in the same place now in the Edo period.

Kagoshima-ken Shibushi -shi Originated from Beppu (Imape) now in Shikushimachi Uchinomakura's underwear. There was a Beppu gate in the same place now in the Edo period.

Miyazaki-ken Kobayashi-shi Originated from Beppu now in the northwest of the underworld. There was a Beppu house in the same place now in the Edo era as a system of division.

Miyazaki-ken Ebino-shi Originated from Beppu now in the island's underwear.

2022年 12月 2日 更新

Inasato 【稲里】レベル3
About 120
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Aomori-ken . Originated from Aomori-ken Higashitsugaru-gun Imabetsu-machi . Place name with a record in the notation of "Imauchi" during the Warring States Period.

2019年 10月 19日 更新

If you know the etymology of 稲里, please give us information!



Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Oosaka-fu(About 50)
2 Kagoshima-ken(About 30)
3 Hiroshima-ken(About 20)
4 Hyougo-ken(About 10)
5 Okinawa-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 120
Rank by city
1 Ooshima-gun Isen-chou(About 30)
2 Oosaka-shi Asahi-ku(About 20)
3 Shoubara-shi(About 10)
4 Izumi-shi(About 10)
4 Kagoshima-shi(About 10)
6 Urasoe-shi(Very rare)
6 Minoo-shi(Very rare)
6 Oosaka-shi Fukushima-ku(Very rare)
6 Oosaka-shi Konohana-ku(Very rare)
6 Oosaka-shi Sumiyoshi-ku(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 鹿児島県 大島郡伊仙町 犬田布(About 30)
2 大阪府 大阪市旭区 生江(About 10)
3 広島県 庄原市 西城(About 10)
3 大阪府 和泉市 いぶき野(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities

Ooshima-gun Isen-chou


Inasato 【稲里】レベル3
About 120
are referenced.


max: 215 / 月