Etymology and distribution of 石口.

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石口(いしぐち / いしくち)さんの由来と分布

Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Ishiguchi 【石口】レベル5
About 2,100
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Aichi-ken Toyota-shi , Shiga-ken , Kyouto-fu .

① variant of 磯谷 .

Topography . Shiga-ken Ootsu-shi In Yamanaka cho, say that you used "礒" from "rock" of Hiei in the north of the same place and "礒" from honori, "valley" from valley. Estimated in the Edo period.

2020年 3月 26日 更新

Ishikuchi 【石口】レベル5
About 2,100
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Aichi-ken , Aomori-ken , Hokkaidou . Isoya, distribution including isotani as well.

① There is a tradition from Shiga-ken 's place name located around Lake Biwa. Period, location unknown.

Chiba-ken Ichihara-shi Origin of Isogaya (Isogaya). A place name with a record since the Edo period. The place name was also written as "Isoya".

③ In Gunma - ken tell her that it was Ishigami (Isonokami) last name. 石上 Ishigami reference.

2019年 10月 11日 更新

If you know the etymology of 石口, please give us information!



Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル5 1 Niigata-ken(About 400)
2 Hiroshima-ken(About 200)
3 Oosaka-fu(About 200)
4 Kanagawa-ken(About 120)
5 Hyougo-ken(About 100)
6 Toukyou-to(About 100)
7 Kagoshima-ken(About 80)
8 Nagasaki-ken(About 80)
8 Saitama-ken(About 80)
10 Fukuoka-ken(About 70)
PopulationAbout 2,100
Rank by city
1 Kashiwazaki-shi(About 200)
2 Fukuyama-shi(About 130)
3 Niigata-shi(About 110)
4 Ibusuki-shi(About 70)
5 Tookamachi-shi(About 60)
5 Toyooka-shi(About 60)
7 Minamimatsuura-gun Shinkamigotou-chou(About 50)
7 Fuchuu-shi(About 50)
9 Toyonaka-shi(About 40)
10 Hamada-shi(About 30)
Rank by subregion
1 広島県 福山市 新市町常(About 100)
2 新潟県 柏崎市 畔屋(About 70)
3 新潟県 十日町市 松代(About 50)
4 島根県 浜田市 熱田町(About 30)
5 鹿児島県 指宿市 西方(About 30)
5 鹿児島県 指宿市 西方尾掛(About 30)
5 兵庫県 豊岡市 藤井(About 30)
5 長崎県 南松浦郡新上五島町 続浜ノ浦郷(About 30)
9 奈良県 御所市 元町(About 30)
10 新潟県 新潟市 鯵潟(About 20)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities

Rumoishi-chou Enbetsu-chou , Gose-shi , Fuchuu-shi , Tookamachi-shi , Minamikanbara-gun Tagami-machi , Kashiwazaki-shi , Kariwa-gun Kariwa-mura , Tamana-gun Nankan-machi , Tamana-gun Nagomi-machi , Futaba-gun Hirono-machi , Toyooka-shi , Minamimatsuura-gun Shinkamigotou-chou , Saihaku-gun Houki-chou , Saihaku-gun Nanbu-chou , Ibusuki-shi

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Ishikuchi 【石口】レベル5
About 2,100
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