Etymology and distribution of 甘中.

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甘中(かんなか / あまなか)さんの由来と分布

Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Kan'naka 【甘中】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Wakayama-ken , Oosaka-fu , Nagasaki-ken .

Topography . Tokushima - ken Mima - gun Tsurugi - chou Tsurugi - chou Tell me that Meiji New Year by Kusunoki is on Sadako Urasan. Nagasaki-ken Oomura-shi Kushima was in the Edo period in the clan Omura of the Clan Office. Good neighbor . Wakayama - ken Nishimuro - gun Kamitonda - chou Asago, Tokushima - ken Tokushima - shi Fudo Town, Hyougo - ken Miki - shi Yoshikawa - cho Distribution is on the tenancy.

Originated from Kumamoto-ken 's Kusumoto. Period, location unknown.

Wakayama-ken Wakayama-shi Origin of Kusumoto. A place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place. In the southern part of Wakayama-ken · South of Mie-ken (formerly Muro-gun) tell Kyouto-fu Yawata-shi the shrine of Shishimizu Hachimangu Shrine of Yawata Takayo. Unknown times. Wakayama-ken Arida-gun Aridagawa-chou Kusumoto is a place name with a record since the Edo period. 楠木 There is surname. 楠木 Kusunoki reference.

2021年 6月 19日 更新

Amanaka 【甘中】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Ishikawa-ken Nanao-shi . Ishikawa-ken Nanao-shi It is distributed in Notojima Nozaki cho.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

If you know the etymology of 甘中, please give us information!



Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Hyougo-ken(About 300)
2 Oosaka-fu(About 20)
3 Shizuoka-ken(Very rare)
3 Shiga-ken(Very rare)
3 Okayama-ken(Very rare)
3 Nara-ken(Very rare)
3 Saitama-ken(Very rare)
3 Kyouto-fu(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 300
Rank by city
1 Kasai-shi(About 200)
2 Nishiwaki-shi(About 20)
2 Himeji-shi(About 20)
4 Kakogawa-shi(About 10)
4 Koube-shi Nagata-ku(About 10)
4 Kawanishi-shi(About 10)
4 Akashi-shi(About 10)
8 Uji-shi(Very rare)
8 Yasu-shi(Very rare)
8 Souja-shi(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 兵庫県 加西市 笹倉町(About 200)
2 兵庫県 加西市 北条町古坂(About 20)
3 兵庫県 西脇市 高田井町(About 10)
4 兵庫県 加西市 尾崎町(About 10)
4 兵庫県 神戸市長田区 鹿松町(About 10)
4 兵庫県 西脇市 西脇(About 10)
4 兵庫県 川西市 清和台西(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities



Amanaka 【甘中】レベル3
About 300
are referenced.


max: 191 / 月