Hamahata 【浜畑】レベル5
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The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Toukyou-to , Kanagawa-ken , Gunma-ken Maebashi-shi . Summary . Synthesis of Mitsui, Mino and Kimura. Toukyou-to Minato-ku Takanawa was served as a merchant's Mitsui family by serving as a merchant's Mitsui family, becoming a son-in-law of Miki Nogawa near Toukyou-to Chiyoda-ku Uchinjida (formerly Mikawa Town) " Yamagata-ken Tsuruoka-shi Baba Town tells us that it was called" around 1868 "using" village "as adopted by Mr. Kimura of Shonai clan in the clan government. 三井 reference. 美野川 reference. 木村 reference.
2022年 7月 31日 更新