Etymology and distribution of 江幡.

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江幡(えばた / えはた)さんの由来と分布



Ebata 【江幡】レベル5
About 4,500
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

大額 Oogaku reference.

2022年 5月 5日 更新

Ehata 【江幡】レベル5
About 4,500
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hyougo-ken , Oosaka-fu , Kagawa-ken .

Tokushima-ken Miyoshi-shi Ikeda-cho Originated by Atsuto Onishi. Place name with a record since the North / South morning era.

Nara-ken Sakurai-shi Originated from Onishi. Place name with a record since the North / South morning era.

Kouchi-ken Kami-shi Monogatari-machi originated from Onishi. A place name with a record in the notation of "Taishi" in the Azuchi-Momoyama period.

Gifu - ken Takayama - shi Originating from Onishi in Hisagino - machi. A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Tokushima-ken Naka-gun Naka-chou Origin of Parkon Onishi. It is distributed in the same place.

Shimane-ken Un'nan-shi Originated from Onishi (Daisai) Kamo-cho. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period. My surname also pronounced Daisai.

Topography . From the big west land. Shizuoka-ken Atami-shi Hatsushima, Ishikawa-ken Komatsu-shi Yazaki Town, Toyama-ken Tonami-shi Takasu tells Meiji Shin surname . Fukui-ken Sakai-shi In Tsukigoshi- cho Yokosuke tells you that you changed from Oshima surname. Estimated in the Edo period. 大島 Ooshima reference. From the Great West Germany gate division system that was in the Edo era. An example of the location of the gate. Kagoshima - ken Hioki - shi Hiyoshi cho Yamada, Miyazaki - ken Miyakonojou - shi Marutani cho, Miyazaki - ken Miyazaki - shi Takaoka cho Kamikuraga. Good neighbor . Oosaka-fu Toyono-gun Toyono-chou There is distribution in the Noguchi entrance .

Good neighbor . Yamaguchi-ken Ooshima-gun Suouooshima-chou Originated from Onishi of the Komatsu surplus.

Korean type . There is a record of naturalization on Toukyou-to Bunkyou-ku on February 15, 1955. Last name is Perm. Kyo reference.

2019年 11月 17日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル5 1 Ibaraki-ken(About 2,100)
2 Toukyou-to(About 500)
3 Chiba-ken(About 400)
4 Toyama-ken(About 300)
5 Saitama-ken(About 200)
6 Hokkaidou(About 200)
7 Kanagawa-ken(About 200)
8 Fukushima-ken(About 110)
9 Akita-ken(About 90)
10 Oosaka-fu(About 40)
PopulationAbout 4,500
Rank by city
1 Mito-shi(About 700)
2 Hitachioota-shi(About 300)
3 Higashiibaraki-gun Ibaraki-machi(About 200)
4 Higashiibaraki-gun Shirosato-machi(About 200)
5 Himi-shi(About 200)
6 Kasama-shi(About 130)
6 Hitachi-shi(About 130)
8 Hitachinaka-shi(About 110)
9 Sanmu-shi(About 90)
10 Sukagawa-shi(About 60)
Rank by subregion
1 茨城県 東茨城郡茨城町 駒場(About 200)
2 茨城県 常陸太田市 亀作町(About 110)
2 茨城県 水戸市 上国井町(About 110)
4 茨城県 水戸市 鯉淵(About 70)
4 茨城県 水戸市 青柳町(About 70)
6 茨城県 常陸太田市 茅根町(About 70)
7 茨城県 笠間市 上市原(About 50)
8 茨城県 ひたちなか市 津田(About 40)
9 茨城県 東茨城郡城里町 春園(About 40)
9 茨城県 東茨城郡城里町 赤沢(About 40)


If you know the etymology of 江幡, please give us information!

Similar names:

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, Ehata 【繪幡】レベル1
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, Ehata 【江帾】レベル1
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, Ebata 【江畑】レベル5
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, Ebata 【江畠】レベル4
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, Ebata 【絵幡】レベル3
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, Ebata 【恵畑】レベル3
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, Ebata 【絵畑】レベル2
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, Ebata 【江場田】レベル2
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, Ebata 【江葉田】レベル1
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, Ebata 【荏畑】レベル1
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, Ebata 【栄畑】レベル1
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, Ebata 【繪幡】レベル1
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, Ebata 【惠畑】レベル1
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, Ebata 【江帾】レベル1
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, Ebata 【江発田】レベル1
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, Ebata 【繒畑】レベル1
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Ebata 【江帾】レベル1
Very rare
are variants.

Ehata 【江幡】レベル5
About 4,500
are referenced.


max: 338 / 月