Nagata 【永田】レベル6
About 125,300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Saga-ken Taku-shi . 藤見 surname is present. Saga-ken Taku-shi Meiji New surname by monk of Changfu Temple of Jodo Shin Buddhism in Hokkaidō Takahigahara.
2022年 8月 28日 更新
Eita 【永田】レベル6
About 125,300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Tottori-ken Tottori-shi , Nagano-ken Ueda-shi . Tottori-ken Tottori-shi There is a distribution on Hamasaka. 高木 surname is in the same place. 高木 reference.
2017年 10月 15日 更新
Eida 【永田】レベル6
About 125,300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Kouchi-ken . Kouchi-ken Kouchi-shi Originated from the vicinity of Otakazakayama (formerly Osaka- zaka) in Kochi Castle in Marunouchi. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period.
2019年 11月 11日 更新
Nagada 【永田】レベル6
About 125,300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Fukuoka-ken , Saga-ken Saga-shi , Yamaguchi-ken . 藤原 family name is present. 藤原 reference.
2020年 8月 19日 更新