Etymology and distribution of 最相.

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最相(さいしょう / さいそう)さんの由来と分布



Saishou 【最相】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Toukyou-to , Fukuoka-ken , Gunma-ken .

Originated from Shizuoka-ken Shimoda-shi . A place name with a record since the Muromachi period. Gunma-ken Takasaki-shi There is a tradition in Saigo- cho Nishi-Makiya.

Iwate-ken Morioka-shi Shimoda birth. A place name with a record since the Warring States Period.

Originated from Aomori-ken Kamikita-gun Oirase-chou (formerly Shimoda Town). A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Nara-ken Kashiba-shi Born of Shimoda - e · Shimoda-nishi. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period.

Kouchi-ken Shimanto-shi Shimoda birth. A place name with a record since the Azuchi-Momoyama period.

Origin of Kouchi-ken Nankoku-shi near Inase (formerly Shimoda). Place name recorded in the Muromachi period.

Kagoshima-ken Kumage-gun Nakatane-chou Originated from Shimoda in the Noma area.

Toyama-ken Nakaniikawa-gun Tateyama-machi Origin of Shimoda (Misada). A place name with a record since the Edo period. My surname is also Misada. Tell the place name because he paid the temple.

Topography . Tell Iwate-ken Oofunato-shi from Shimoda. Good neighbor . Nara-ken Ikoma-gun Heguri-chou Wakai, Kagawa-ken Shouzu-gun Shoudoshima-chou Distributed in Fukuda Ko.

2021年 8月 3日 更新

Saisou 【最相】レベル3
About 300
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kagoshima-ken Kagoshima-shi · Kagoshima-ken Hioki-shi . Terrain . From below. Tsunuki is estimated from the landing area and collapsed land. Kagoshima-ken Minamisatsuma-shi Koneda Tsukushi is a geographical name having a record since the North-South morning era. In the lower Tsukushi district of the area there was the Tsuninari gate under the gate division system in the Edo period.

2017年 10月 15日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Okayama-ken(About 200)
2 Hyougo-ken(About 40)
3 Kagawa-ken(About 10)
3 Toukyou-to(About 10)
5 Aichi-ken(About 10)
5 Miyagi-ken(About 10)
5 Oosaka-fu(About 10)
5 Hokkaidou(About 10)
9 Shizuoka-ken(Very rare)
9 Nagasaki-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 300
Rank by city
1 Souja-shi(About 100)
2 Okayama-shi(About 40)
3 Marugame-shi(About 10)
3 Koube-shi Nishi-ku(About 10)
5 Kurashiki-shi(About 10)
5 Toyota-shi(About 10)
5 Koube-shi Suma-ku(About 10)
8 Aki-gun Fuchuu-chou(Very rare)
8 Bizen-shi(Very rare)
8 Yokohama-shi Kounan-ku(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 岡山県 総社市 井手(About 60)
2 岡山県 総社市 総社(About 20)


If you know the etymology of 最相, please give us information!

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Saisou 【最相】レベル3
About 300
are referenced.


max: 181 / 月