Nitta 【新夕】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Okinawa-ken Uruma-shi . Terrain . From the previous temple. Okinawa-ken Uruma-shi Katsunai Heiani name is based.
2021年 11月 17日 更新
Arata 【新夕】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Tottori-ken Kurayoshi-shi . Tottori-ken Kurayoshi-shi Originated from Yu Mei in the Umega inside.
2021年 11月 17日 更新
Niida 【新夕】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Miyagi-ken · Shiga-ken · Miyazaki-ken . 星井 variant. It was in the Edo period in Miyagi-ken Kakuda-shi . Shiga-ken Inukami-gun Taga-chou It was in the Tokyo era as a monk of Eikukuji in Soto sect in Nakagawara. In estimation Shiga - ken Hikone - shi Kaname Town is a name change in the early Edo period early in the "well" of Mr. Ii who was the lord of Hikone of the Clan office. 井伊 reference.
2021年 11月 17日 更新