Oie 【尾家】レベル4
About 1,300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Fukuoka-ken Oomuta-shi . Terrain . 奥園 variant of. Fukuoka-ken Oomuta-shi Now the mountain is based. It was in the Edo period in the same place.
2022年 12月 4日 更新
Ooga 【尾家】レベル4
About 1,300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Saitama-ken , Toukyou-to · Kanagawa-ken . 押見 surname is present. Saitama-ken Saitama-shi Distributed in Urawa district front.
2017年 10月 15日 更新
Ooya 【尾家】レベル4
About 1,300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Tottori-ken Touhaku-gun Kotoura-chou , Tottori-ken Kurayoshi-shi . Tottori-ken Touhaku-gun Kotoura-chou There are distribution in three cedars.
2019年 1月 4日 更新
Oya 【尾家】レベル4
About 1,300
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Tottori-ken Saihaku-gun Houki-chou . Tottori-ken Saihaku-gun Houki-chou There is distribution in Endo. 勝部 surname is given in the same place. 勝部 reference.
2017年 10月 15日 更新