Ataka 【安宅】レベル5
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Kagoshima-ken , Mie-ken , Oosaka-fu .
① Topography . From oil and rice. Kagoshima-ken Aira-shi From the oil field gate of the gate division system which was in Kami - cho Kamppuku in the Edo period. Miyagi-ken Sendai-shi Aoba-ku Kawauchi was in the Edo era in the Sendai Samurai of the Clan office. The pronunciation is Judas. It says that the same clan called "oil field Kazu". It is unknown whether the oil field Kazu exists. Okayama-ken Niimi-shi Shrine oil field (Yuno) is a place name with a record since the Edo period. It is distributed in the same place. The pronunciation is Judas.
② Ishikawa-ken Hakusan-shi Originated from oil field in Abu Dhabi Town (Aburaden). Tell him that he was engaged in agriculture near here. Estimated in the Edo period.
③ Origin of Chiba-ken Katori-shi oil field (Abrata). A place name with a record since the Edo period.
④ Fukuoka-ken Miyako-gun Miyako-machi Originated from the oil field of Saikawa Yokose's small character.
2022年 1月 13日 更新
Ataki 【安宅】レベル5
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The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Kanagawa-ken · Toukyou-to · Hokkaidou . Terrain . From oil and mountains. Shimane-ken Oochi-gun Misato-chou It was in the Azusa Castle of Takayama during the North-South morning era.
2021年 1月 24日 更新
Atagi 【安宅】レベル5
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The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Miyagi-ken , Hokkaidou , Niigata-ken .
① 安倍 's variant. The Ainu language (ape) means "fire". Aebe (Aebe) means "cook". Miyagi - ken Motoyoshi - gun Minamisanriku - chou In Shizugawa Rice spread, tell the descendant of Abe Sadata (Abe no Sadato), a warrior of the Heian period. Iwate-ken Toono-shi In Tsuchibechi Kashiwazaki say that it was renamed at Meiji New surname. Saitama-ken Kawaguchi-shi Sakuramachi is the lord of Hatogaya of the Clan office Azuchi Momoyama period Edo period, Fukushima-ken Shirakawa-shi Guo Kai is the lord of the Shirakawa of the Clan office, Fukushima-ken Higashishirakawa-gun Tanagura -machi Tanagura clan Tochigi-ken Utsunomiya-shi Honmaru-cho is the clan's Utsunomiya lord, Tochigi-ken Shimotsuga-gun Mibu-machi Honmaru is the Mibu lord of the clan office, Saitama-ken Gyouda-shi Honmaru is the shinobi lord , Saitama-ken Saitama-shi Iwasaki ku Ota led the Iwatsuki lord of the clan office, Chiba-ken Isumi-gun Ootaki-machi Otaki lord Otaki lord of the clan office, Chiba-ken Futtsu-shi Saiki lord Saikun of the clan government, Kanagawa- ken Odawara-shi castle town is the clan lord of Ozawahara of the clan government, Aichi-ken Kariya-shi castle town is the lord of Kariya of the clan area, Kyouto-fu Miyadzu-shi Tsuruga is the lord of Miyazu of the clan office, Hiroshima-ken Fukuyama-shi Marunouchi clan It was in the Edo period as the lord of the Fukuyama lord of Bureau after the Bureau.
② Abstract . Abba abbreviation. The rename that left Aho's "Ah." There was a case where Hyygo - ken Koube - shi changed the name between 1952 and 1959. 阿保 reference.
2017年 10月 15日 更新
Ataku 【安宅】レベル5
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The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Fukuoka-ken . 安倍 's variant. Fukuoka-ken Asakura-shi Sada is based. In the same place, I will tell you that it is a descendant of Abe Nobuada (Abe no Sadato), a pioneer and warrior of the Heian period. Ooita - ken Ooita - shi tells Fukuoka - ken Iidzuka - shi that the officials were jealous at the Meiji New surname, and Abe 's double was rewritten as "Ju".
2017年 10月 15日 更新
Atake 【安宅】レベル5
About 4,700
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Ooita-ken , Aichi-ken , Toukyou-to .
① 安倍 's variant. Ooita-ken Bungotakada-shi Distribution in front of castle.
② Korean type . Creation . "Anh" added to the side. There is a record of naturalization on Aichi-ken Toyohashi-shi on October 19, 1981. The real name is a neighborhood. 辺 reference.
2017年 10月 15日 更新
Adake 【安宅】レベル5
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The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Toukyou-to · Kanagawa-ken , Miyagi-ken . 安倍 's variant.
2019年 9月 24日 更新
Antaku 【安宅】レベル5
About 4,700
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Okayama-ken Kasaoka-shi · Ehime-ken Matsuyama-shi . 生田 surname.
2017年 10月 15日 更新