Jizou 【地藏】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Fukui-ken Sabae-shi , Fukui-ken Fukui-shi . There is a word of Somura. Fukui - ken Sabae - shi Distributed in Kitano Town.
2019年 4月 23日 更新
Chikura 【地藏】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Aichi-ken , Toukyou-to · Shizuoka-ken Hamamatsu-shi Tenryu-ku. Thing . Shizuoka-ken Hamamatsu-shi Tells the Town of Tenryu Ward that Sakuma-cho Urakawa has decided the meat of the wild boar. The land was the land where the Meiji New Last Name was.
2019年 4月 23日 更新
Chizou 【地藏】レベル1
Very rare
The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.
Miyazaki-ken Ebino-shi · Chiba-ken . Miyazaki-ken Ebino-shi From the west at Enomi, Omiji 's small character. In the same area there was Nishi Enoda gate of the gate division system in the Edo period.
2019年 4月 24日 更新