Etymology and distribution of 名波.

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名波(ななみ / なば / なは / なわ)さんの由来と分布



Nanami 【名波】レベル5
About 2,200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Chiba-ken Matsudo-shi · Toukyou-to . "Fuku" is a favorable character.

2022年 10月 19日 更新

Naha 【名波】レベル5
About 2,200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Shizuoka-ken , Toukyou-to , Kanagawa-ken . Shizuoka-ken Izu-shi It was in the Edo period in soil fertilizer. Tell him that he is the descendant of the fallen of Heike in the same place. Taira reference. Toukyou - to Shinjuku - ku It was in the Edo era during the Urawo .

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Naba 【名波】レベル5
About 2,200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Saga-ken Imari-shi , Kanagawa-ken · Chiba-ken . Saga-ken Imari-shi Birthplace of Bishochi Otori Fukuoka. It is distributed in the same place. Saga-ken Kishima-gun Oomachi-chou Fukuto is a place name with a record since the Heian period.

2020年 8月 26日 更新

Nawa 【名波】レベル5
About 2,200
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Gunma-ken Oota-shi , Tochigi-ken Ashikaga-shi . Gunma-ken Oota-shi is based in Yabutsuka cho. It was in the Edo period in the same place. In the same place there lives from the Kamakura period and has been known as Mr. Ping's descendant. Taira reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル5 1 Shizuoka-ken(About 1,500)
2 Hokkaidou(About 110)
3 Kanagawa-ken(About 110)
4 Chiba-ken(About 70)
5 Okinawa-ken(About 70)
5 Toukyou-to(About 70)
7 Aichi-ken(About 60)
8 Gifu-ken(About 40)
9 Saitama-ken(About 30)
10 Hyougo-ken(About 30)
PopulationAbout 2,200
Rank by city
1 Makinohara-shi(About 700)
2 Shizuoka-shi(About 200)
3 Iwata-shi(About 100)
4 Hamamatsu-shi(About 80)
5 Kikugawa-shi(About 60)
6 Uruma-shi(About 50)
6 Omaezaki-shi(About 50)
8 Haibara-gun Yoshida-chou(About 50)
9 Kakegawa-shi(About 40)
10 Fujieda-shi(About 40)
Rank by subregion
1 静岡県 牧之原市 須々木(About 400)
2 静岡県 牧之原市 鬼女新田(About 80)
3 静岡県 牧之原市 波津(About 70)
4 静岡県 磐田市 福田(About 50)
5 静岡県 菊川市 古谷(About 50)
6 静岡県 牧之原市 相良(About 40)
7 静岡県 御前崎市 池新田(About 30)
8 静岡県 牧之原市 福岡(About 30)
8 静岡県 牧之原市 菅ケ谷(About 30)
8 沖縄県 うるま市 屋慶名(About 30)


If you know the etymology of 名波, please give us information!

Similar names:

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, Nanami 【那波】レベル4
About 1,200
, Nanami 【七見】レベル3
About 100
, Nanami 【奈波】レベル3
About 70
, Naha 【那波】レベル4
About 1,200
, Naha 【那覇】レベル3
About 200
, Naha 【奈波】レベル3
About 70
, Naba 【那波】レベル4
About 1,200
, Naba 【名場】レベル3
About 70
, Naba 【奈波】レベル3
About 70
, Naba 【名葉】レベル2
About 10
, Nawa 【名和】レベル5
About 6,300
, Nawa 【那波】レベル4
About 1,200
, Nawa 【縄】レベル4
About 1,100
, Nawa 【那和】レベル3
About 150
, Nawa 【名輪】レベル3
About 100
, Nawa 【奈波】レベル3
About 70
, Nawa 【繩】レベル3
About 60
, Nawa 【奈輪】レベル2
About 20


Naha 【名波】レベル5
About 2,200
, Naba 【名波】レベル5
About 2,200
, Nawa 【名波】レベル5
About 2,200
are referenced.


max: 283 / 月