Etymology and distribution of 北上.

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北上(きたかみ / きたがみ / きたじょう / きたうえ)さんの由来と分布



Kitakami 【北上】レベル5
About 3,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Yamaguchi-ken Shimonoseki-shi , Hokkaidou , Toyama-ken . Kyouto-fu Kyouto-shi Birthplace of Kuramachi-cho, Sakyo-ku. A place name with a record since the Heian period. Yamaguchi-ken Shimonoseki-shi Qingdao horse is a place name with a record since the Edo period. Kyouto-fu Kyouto-shi tells that the place name was named after Kuramachi-cho, Sakyo-ku. Aichi-ken Tahara-shi Tawaramachi Tepe was in the Edo period in the clan san Tahara of the clan office.

2022年 6月 3日 更新

Kitaue 【北上】レベル5
About 3,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Okinawa-ken Uruma-shi . Terrain . Okinawa-ken Uruma-shi Tell Yonako Heiyaza from the soba of Kura. Okinawa-ken Uruma-shi At the Yonagi Ya Keio, tells that Mr. Zeige wrote Genji Yoshinobu in the Ryukyu Kingdom period. Ryukyuan sound is Kranny. 世嘉良 Sekaryou reference.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

Kitagami 【北上】レベル5
About 3,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Chiba-ken Ichikawa-shi . Shiga-ken Yasu-shi is the origin.

2020年 1月 26日 更新

Kitajou 【北上】レベル5
About 3,000
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Tokushima-ken , Okayama-ken , Hiroshima-ken .

Topography . From chestnuts and ridges. Tokushima-ken Mima-gun Tsurugi-chou solder, Okayama-ken Asakuchi-shi Kanemachi Otani, Hiroshima-ken Onomichi-shi Kurihara Higashi is based. Tokushima - ken Miyoshi - shi Tell him that at the Higashi Iya fishing spot it was using the shop name of "Kurio" near the chestnut. Estimated in the Edo period.

Saitama-ken Chichibu-gun Ogano-machi Originated from Kurio in Iida's small character.

2019年 2月 9日 更新


Distributions by prefecture
Distributions by city
Distributions by subregion
Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル5 1 Hokkaidou(About 500)
2 Niigata-ken(About 500)
3 Aomori-ken(About 500)
4 Hyougo-ken(About 300)
5 Toukyou-to(About 200)
6 Kanagawa-ken(About 200)
7 Oosaka-fu(About 140)
8 Saitama-ken(About 100)
9 Tokushima-ken(About 100)
10 Chiba-ken(About 70)
PopulationAbout 3,000
Rank by city
1 Niigata-shi(About 400)
2 Mutsu-shi(About 200)
3 San'nohe-gun Gonohe-machi(About 100)
4 Towada-shi(About 90)
5 Shibata-shi(About 70)
6 Kaifu-gun Kaiyou-chou(About 70)
7 Hachinohe-shi(About 60)
7 Otaru-shi(About 60)
7 Koube-shi Kita-ku(About 60)
7 Himeji-shi(About 60)
Rank by subregion
1 新潟県 新潟市 酒屋町(About 90)
2 徳島県 海部郡海陽町 相川村山(About 50)
2 兵庫県 姫路市 別所町佐土(About 50)
2 青森県 三戸郡五戸町 浅水北向(About 50)
5 青森県 むつ市 大畑本(About 30)
6 青森県 むつ市 大畑兎沢(About 30)
6 青森県 むつ市 大畑小目名村(About 30)
8 北海道 小樽市 桜(About 20)
8 新潟県 新発田市 下飯塚(About 20)
10 北海道 夕張市 紅葉山(About 20)


If you know the etymology of 北上, please give us information!

Similar names:

Kitaue 【北植】レベル1
Very rare
, Kitakami 【北神】レベル3
About 300
, Kitagami 【北神】レベル3
About 300
, Kitashou 【北荘】レベル2
About 40
, Kitashou 【北庄】レベル2
About 30
, Kitajou 【北条】レベル5
About 11,700
, Kitajou 【北條】レベル5
About 8,200
, Kitajou 【北城】レベル4
About 1,000
, Kitajou 【喜多條】レベル3
About 70
, Kitajou 【喜多条】レベル3
About 50
, Kitajou 【來條】レベル1
Very rare


Kitakami 【北神】レベル3
About 300

Kitaue 【北上】レベル5
About 3,000
, Kitagami 【北上】レベル5
About 3,000
, Kitajou 【北上】レベル5
About 3,000
are referenced.


max: 248 / 月