Etymology and distribution of 切手.

The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary. Play で手に入れよう

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切手(きって / きりて)さんの由来と分布

Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Kitte 【切手】レベル3
About 400
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Fukushima-ken , Ibaraki-ken .

Topography . From a circular field. It was in the Edo era to Fukushima-ken . In Shimane-ken western part (formerly Iwami-kuni) I tell you that I lived in the Muromachi Period.

Kagoshima-ken Kanoya-shi Genki Ueito birthplace of Genki and Shimoda. In the same area there was Kadamon Monady system in the Edo period.

Korea type . Terrain . "Da" is added to the car. Toukyou-to Itabashi-ku has a record of naturalization on April 17, 1959. The real name is a car. Kuruma reference.

2021年 6月 22日 更新

Kirite 【切手】レベル3
About 400
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Kouchi-ken . A variant of Takasaki (Kozaki). Tokushima - ken Mima - shi In Waki - machi Daikoko Inujiru tells that it changed from Takasaki surname in 1783 (Tenmei 3 years). 高崎 Takasaki reference. Kouchi-ken Kouchi-shi Nitida is based. Tell him that he was engaged in fishing in the same area. Estimated in the Edo period. Aomori-ken Hachinohe-shi Uchimaru was in the Edo period in the Hachinohe clan of the clan office.

2020年 2月 1日 更新

If you know the etymology of 切手, please give us information!



Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Kagoshima-ken(About 200)
2 Gifu-ken(About 80)
3 Aichi-ken(About 30)
3 Hyougo-ken(About 30)
5 Toukyou-to(About 20)
6 Shizuoka-ken(About 10)
6 Nagano-ken(About 10)
6 Oosaka-fu(About 10)
6 Saitama-ken(About 10)
6 Mie-ken(About 10)
PopulationAbout 400
Rank by city
1 Kagoshima-shi(About 70)
2 Takayama-shi(About 70)
3 Hioki-shi(About 50)
4 Shibushi-shi(About 40)
5 Setagaya-ku(About 10)
5 Himeji-shi(About 10)
7 Kani-shi(About 10)
7 Matsumoto-shi(About 10)
7 Nagoya-shi Minami-ku(About 10)
7 Akashi-shi(About 10)
Rank by subregion
1 鹿児島県 日置市 湯田(About 50)
2 岐阜県 高山市 無数河(About 40)
2 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 下福元町(About 40)
4 鹿児島県 志布志市 帖(About 30)
5 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 瀬々串(About 10)
5 東京都 世田谷区 千歳台(About 10)
7 兵庫県 明石市 大久保町西脇(About 10)
7 岐阜県 可児市 兼山(About 10)
7 長野県 松本市 浅間温泉(About 10)
7 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 和田町(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities

Takayama-shi , Shibushi-shi , Hioki-shi


Kirite 【切手】レベル3
About 400
are referenced.


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