Etymology and distribution of 下岡.

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下岡(しもおか / したおか)さんの由来と分布

Etymology Distribution Related Information provision



Shimooka 【下岡】レベル5
About 4,800
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Ehime-ken Iyo-shi · Kanagawa-ken · Saitama-ken . Thing . In Ehime-ken tell her that the priest called from the temple. Period, location unknown. Ehime-ken Iyo-shi There is distribution in Nakayama Town embankment .

2022年 7月 31日 更新

Shitaoka 【下岡】レベル5
About 4,800
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Gunma-ken , Kanagawa-ken . Gunma-ken Tone-gun Katashina-mura Origin of the ruins. A place name with a record since the Edo period. Tell the place name was called "Tsurubuchi". Gunma-ken Numata-shi Distributed in Takahashiba Town.

2017年 10月 15日 更新

If you know the etymology of 下岡, please give us information!



Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル5 1 Hiroshima-ken(About 1,000)
2 Kyouto-fu(About 600)
3 Oosaka-fu(About 500)
4 Ehime-ken(About 300)
5 Hyougo-ken(About 200)
6 Mie-ken(About 200)
7 Nagano-ken(About 200)
8 Tokushima-ken(About 200)
9 Yamaguchi-ken(About 140)
10 Toukyou-to(About 140)
PopulationAbout 4,800
Rank by city
1 Kure-shi(About 300)
2 Tsudzuki-gun Ujitawara-chou(About 120)
3 Kyoutango-shi(About 110)
4 Kumano-shi(About 100)
5 Matsuyama-shi(About 100)
6 Uji-shi(About 100)
6 Shimoina-gun Takagi-mura(About 100)
8 Hamada-shi(About 60)
8 Sakai-shi(About 60)
8 Fukuyama-shi(About 60)
Rank by subregion
1 京都府 京丹後市 間人(About 70)
1 三重県 熊野市 井戸町(About 70)
3 広島県 呉市 大長(About 70)
4 長野県 下伊那郡喬木村 阿島(About 60)
5 埼玉県 加須市 伊賀袋(About 30)
5 鹿児島県 曽於市 深川(About 30)
5 広島県 呉市 向(About 30)
5 広島県 呉市 東鹿田町(About 30)
5 高知県 四万十市 板ノ川(About 30)
5 島根県 浜田市 折居(About 30)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

Notable cities

Tsudzuki-gun Ujitawara-chou , Shimoina-gun Takagi-mura , Katsuura-gun Kamikatsu-chou , Kumano-shi , Yoshino-gun Nosegawa-mura , Takaoka-gun Hidaka-mura , Minamimuro-gun Mihama-chou , Yoshino-gun Tenkawa-mura , Yosa-gun Ine-chou , Otokuni-gun Ooyamazaki-chou , Kyoutango-shi , Hamada-shi , Kure-shi , Aki-gun Kaita-chou , Itano-gun Matsushige-chou , Mima-gun Tsurugi-chou , Myoudou-gun Sanagouchi-son , Myouzai-gun Kamiyama-chou , Kita-gun Uchiko-chou , Iyo-shi , Mikata-gun Shin'onsen-chou , Kiso-gun Kiso-machi , Aki-gun Geisei-mura , Shimanto-shi , Soo-shi , Kamikawashi-chou Kamifurano-chou

Similar names:

Shidaoka 【志田岡】レベル1
Very rare
, Shimooka 【霜岡】レベル1
Very rare


Shimooka 【霜岡】レベル1
Very rare
are variants.

Shitaoka 【下岡】レベル5
About 4,800
are referenced.


max: 335 / 月