Etymology and distribution of 留場.

The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary. Play で手に入れよう

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Etymology of 留場

Distribution of 留場
1 Toono-shi(About 100)
2 Iwate-gun Iwate-machi(About 50)
3 Higashine-shi(About 20)
3 Takizawa-shi(About 20)
5 Yamagata-shi(About 10)
5 Morioka-shi(About 10)
5 Itabashi-ku(About 10)
8 Hidaka-gun Minabe-chou(About 10)
8 Murayama-shi(About 10)
8 Hachiouji-shi(About 10)
8 Agatsuma-gun Nakanojou-machi(About 10)
12 Jouyou-shi(Very rare)
12 Uji-shi(Very rare)
12 Hakodate-shi(Very rare)
12 Asahikawa-shi(Very rare)
12 Sapporo-shi Shiroishi-ku(Very rare)
12 Ebetsu-shi(Very rare)
12 Saitama-shi Kita-ku(Very rare)
12 Kuki-shi(Very rare)
12 Iruma-gun Moroyama-machi(Very rare)
12 Souka-shi(Very rare)
12 Takatsuki-shi(Very rare)
12 Nan'you-shi(Very rare)
12 Mogami-gun Mamurogawa-machi(Very rare)
12 Kamihei-gun Ootsuchi-chou(Very rare)
12 Miyako-shi(Very rare)
12 Shiwa-gun Yahaba-chou(Very rare)
12 Kamaishi-shi(Very rare)
12 Fuchuu-shi(Very rare)
12 Edogawa-ku(Very rare)
12 Hamura-shi(Very rare)
12 Choufu-shi(Very rare)
12 Hiratsuka-shi(Very rare)
12 Yokohama-shi Kanazawa-ku(Very rare)
12 Sagamihara-shi(Very rare)
12 Hadano-shi(Very rare)
12 Fujioka-shi(Very rare)
12 Mutsu-shi(Very rare)
12 Numadzu-shi(Very rare)
12 Hamamatsu-shi(Very rare)