Etymology and distribution of 浮谷.

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Etymology of 浮谷

Distribution of 浮谷
1 Ichikawa-shi(About 200)
2 Yoshikawa-shi(About 60)
3 Edogawa-ku(About 40)
4 Matsudo-shi(About 20)
5 Funabashi-shi(About 10)
6 Abiko-shi(About 10)
6 Kamogawa-shi(About 10)
6 Katsushika-ku(About 10)
9 Sakura-shi(Very rare)
9 Yachiyo-shi(Very rare)
9 Chiba-shi Hanamigawa-ku(Very rare)
9 Yotsukaidou-shi(Very rare)
9 Kashiwa-shi(Very rare)
9 Nagareyama-shi(Very rare)
9 Shiroi-shi(Very rare)
9 Mobara-shi(Very rare)
9 Katori-gun Tounoshou-machi(Very rare)
9 Misato-shi(Very rare)
9 Kitakatsushika-gun Matsubushi-machi(Very rare)
9 Koshigaya-shi(Very rare)
9 Ibaraki-shi(Very rare)
9 Nagoya-shi Meitou-ku(Very rare)
9 Setagaya-ku(Very rare)
9 Suginami-ku(Very rare)
9 Koutou-ku(Very rare)
9 Nishitoukyou-shi(Very rare)
9 Toshima-ku(Very rare)
9 Oume-shi(Very rare)
9 Naha-shi(Very rare)
9 Kawasaki-shi Miyamae-ku(Very rare)
9 Zama-shi(Very rare)
9 Yokohama-shi Totsuka-ku(Very rare)
9 Yokohama-shi Kouhoku-ku(Very rare)
9 Sagamihara-shi(Very rare)
9 Takasaki-shi(Very rare)
9 Fujinomiya-shi(Very rare)
9 Numadzu-shi(Very rare)