Etymology and distribution of 鷲足.

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Etymology of 鷲足

Distribution of 鷲足
1 Tooda-gun Wakuya-chou(About 70)
2 Otaru-shi(About 20)
3 Shiogama-shi(About 10)
4 Sapporo-shi Teine-ku(About 10)
4 Sapporo-shi Higashi-ku(About 10)
4 Kawaguchi-shi(About 10)
4 Sendai-shi Aoba-ku(About 10)
4 Oosaki-shi(About 10)
4 Oshika-gun Onagawa-chou(About 10)
4 Kodaira-shi(About 10)
4 Yokohama-shi Tsurumi-ku(About 10)
12 Hakodate-shi(Very rare)
12 Sapporo-shi Nishi-ku(Very rare)
12 Ebetsu-shi(Very rare)
12 Kushiro-shi(Very rare)
12 Mobara-shi(Very rare)
12 Saitama-shi Nishi-ku(Very rare)
12 Sendai-shi Miyagino-ku(Very rare)
12 Sendai-shi Izumi-ku(Very rare)
12 Sendai-shi Wakabayashi-ku(Very rare)
12 Tomiya-shi(Very rare)
12 Shibata-gun Shibata-machi(Very rare)
12 Tome-shi(Very rare)
12 Ishinomaki-shi(Very rare)
12 Aichi-gun Tougou-chou(Very rare)
12 Tama-shi(Very rare)
12 Adachi-ku(Very rare)
12 Ashikaga-shi(Very rare)
12 Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ku(Very rare)
12 Sukagawa-shi(Very rare)
12 Ushiku-shi(Very rare)
12 Suwa-shi(Very rare)