Etymology and distribution of 駒板.

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Etymology of 駒板

Distribution of 駒板
1 Shibata-gun Shibata-machi(About 60)
2 Sendai-shi Izumi-ku(About 20)
3 Sendai-shi Taihaku-ku(About 10)
3 Sendai-shi Miyagino-ku(About 10)
3 Natori-shi(About 10)
3 Kurokawa-gun Taiwa-chou(About 10)
3 Minamisouma-shi(About 10)
8 Sendai-shi Aoba-ku(About 10)
8 Shibata-gun Murata-machi(About 10)
10 Iga-shi(Very rare)
10 Muroran-shi(Very rare)
10 Kushiro-shi(Very rare)
10 Funabashi-shi(Very rare)
10 Gyouda-shi(Very rare)
10 Moriguchi-shi(Very rare)
10 Neyagawa-shi(Very rare)
10 Katta-gun Zaou-machi(Very rare)
10 Oosaki-shi(Very rare)
10 Tomiya-shi(Very rare)
10 Tooda-gun Misato-machi(Very rare)
10 Kurokawa-gun Oosato-chou(Very rare)
10 Yamagata-shi(Very rare)
10 Oogaki-shi(Very rare)
10 Ibi-gun Ikeda-chou(Very rare)
10 Shinjuku-ku(Very rare)
10 Hino-shi(Very rare)
10 Utsunomiya-shi(Very rare)
10 Kawasaki-shi Kawasaki-ku(Very rare)
10 Kawasaki-shi Saiwai-ku(Very rare)
10 Kawasaki-shi Takatsu-ku(Very rare)
10 Ayase-shi(Very rare)
10 Iwaki-shi(Very rare)
10 Shuuchi-gun Mori-machi(Very rare)
10 Kikugawa-shi(Very rare)