Etymology and distribution of 門平.

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Etymology of 門平

Distribution of 門平
1 Chichibu-gun Minano-machi(About 110)
2 Chichibu-shi(About 30)
3 Saitama-shi Minami-ku(About 10)
3 Honjou-shi(About 10)
3 Kumagaya-shi(About 10)
6 Taki-gun Oodai-chou(Very rare)
6 Suzuka-shi(Very rare)
6 Saitama-shi(Very rare)
6 Saitama-shi Oomiya-ku(Very rare)
6 Saitama-shi Urawa-ku(Very rare)
6 Saitama-shi Minuma-ku(Very rare)
6 Ageo-shi(Very rare)
6 Kawaguchi-shi(Very rare)
6 Okegawa-shi(Very rare)
6 Fukaya-shi(Very rare)
6 Chichibu-gun Ogano-machi(Very rare)
6 Chichibu-gun Nagatoro-machi(Very rare)
6 Hyuuga-shi(Very rare)
6 Okayama-shi(Very rare)
6 Miyoshi-shi(Very rare)
6 Niihama-shi(Very rare)
6 Tama-shi(Very rare)
6 Fuchuu-shi(Very rare)
6 Musashimurayama-shi(Very rare)
6 Fussa-shi(Very rare)
6 Sakura-shi(Very rare)
6 Kawasaki-shi Tama-ku(Very rare)
6 Kawasaki-shi Asao-ku(Very rare)
6 Yokohama-shi Asahi-ku(Very rare)
6 Isesaki-shi(Very rare)
6 Maebashi-shi(Very rare)
6 Kitasouma-gun Tone-machi(Very rare)
6 Komagane-shi(Very rare)
6 Fuji-shi(Very rare)