Etymology and distribution of 荒江.

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Etymology of 荒江

Distribution of 荒江
1 Oota-shi(About 40)
2 Kanazawa-shi(About 40)
3 Chita-gun Taketoyo-chou(About 20)
4 Uodzu-shi(About 10)
4 Machida-shi(About 10)
4 Kaga-shi(About 10)
4 Oura-gun Ooizumi-machi(About 10)
8 Obihiro-shi(About 10)
8 Sapporo-shi Atsubetsu-ku(About 10)
8 Neyagawa-shi(About 10)
8 Toyama-shi(About 10)
8 Matsumoto-shi(About 10)
13 Sapporo-shi Nishi-ku(Very rare)
13 Matsudo-shi(Very rare)
13 Katori-shi(Very rare)
13 Saitama-shi(Very rare)
13 Hidaka-shi(Very rare)
13 Tsurugashima-shi(Very rare)
13 Ooita-shi(Very rare)
13 Hirakata-shi(Very rare)
13 Okayama-shi(Very rare)
13 Handa-shi(Very rare)
13 Okazaki-shi(Very rare)
13 Nakano-ku(Very rare)
13 Shinagawa-ku(Very rare)
13 Itabashi-ku(Very rare)
13 Shibuya-ku(Very rare)
13 Nerima-ku(Very rare)
13 Ashikaga-shi(Very rare)
13 Komatsu-shi(Very rare)
13 Kiryuu-shi(Very rare)
13 Oura-gun Meiwa-machi(Very rare)
13 Tatebayashi-shi(Very rare)
13 Iwata-shi(Very rare)
13 Fukuroi-shi(Very rare)