Etymology and distribution of 綿屋.

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Etymology of 綿屋

Distribution of 綿屋
1 Miyakonojou-shi(About 70)
2 Kitamorokata-gun Mimata-chou(About 70)
3 Iwakuni-shi(About 40)
4 Hagi-shi(About 20)
5 Nagasaki-shi(About 20)
6 Oosaka-shi Hirano-ku(About 10)
6 Ube-shi(About 10)
6 Yamaguchi-shi(About 10)
9 Fujitsu-gun Tara-chou(About 10)
9 Akou-shi(About 10)
9 Sakai-shi(About 10)
9 Kadoma-shi(About 10)
9 Tsuru-shi(About 10)
9 Mizuho-shi(About 10)
9 Inazawa-shi(About 10)
9 Niigata-shi(About 10)
9 Fukuoka-shi Minami-ku(About 10)
9 Fukuoka-shi Nishi-ku(About 10)
9 Oomura-shi(About 10)
9 Matsuura-shi(About 10)
21 Otaru-shi(Very rare)
21 Sapporo-shi Atsubetsu-ku(Very rare)
21 Sapporo-shi Shiroishi-ku(Very rare)
21 Tomakomai-shi(Very rare)
21 Matsudo-shi(Very rare)
21 Hiki-gun Ogawa-machi(Very rare)
21 Gyouda-shi(Very rare)
21 Yao-shi(Very rare)
21 Matsubara-shi(Very rare)
21 Kashiwara-shi(Very rare)
21 Izumiootsu-shi(Very rare)
21 Miyazaki-shi(Very rare)
21 Namerikawa-shi(Very rare)
21 Uodzu-shi(Very rare)
21 Shimonoseki-shi(Very rare)
21 Kuga-gun Waki-chou(Very rare)
21 Koufu-shi(Very rare)
21 Ootake-shi(Very rare)
21 Shoubara-shi(Very rare)
21 Higashiyamato-shi(Very rare)
21 Meguro-ku(Very rare)
21 Yokohama-shi Hodogaya-ku(Very rare)
21 Kitakyuushuu-shi Yahatanishi-ku(Very rare)
21 Kasuga-shi(Very rare)
21 Fukuoka-shi Sawara-ku(Very rare)
21 Kashima-shi(Very rare)
21 Isahaya-shi(Very rare)
21 Hioki-shi(Very rare)
21 Satsumasendai-shi(Very rare)