Etymology and distribution of 糸長.

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Etymology of 糸長

Distribution of 糸長
1 Kitsuki-shi(About 80)
2 Hayami-gun Hiji-machi(About 60)
3 Beppu-shi(About 50)
4 Usa-shi(About 40)
5 Kitakyuushuu-shi Yahatanishi-ku(About 30)
6 Ooita-shi(About 10)
6 Kitakyuushuu-shi Yahatahigashi-ku(About 10)
8 Kimitsu-shi(About 10)
8 Musashino-shi(About 10)
8 Oume-shi(About 10)
8 Kitakyuushuu-shi Kokurakita-ku(About 10)
8 Kitakyuushuu-shi Tobata-ku(About 10)
8 Fukuoka-shi Hakata-ku(About 10)
8 Fukuoka-shi Higashi-ku(About 10)
8 Onga-gun Onga-chou(About 10)
16 Karatsu-shi(Very rare)
16 Kako-gun Inami-chou(Very rare)
16 Himeji-shi(Very rare)
16 Amagasaki-shi(Very rare)
16 Chiba-shi Mihama-ku(Very rare)
16 Matsudo-shi(Very rare)
16 Kashiwa-shi(Very rare)
16 Tsurugashima-shi(Very rare)
16 Yufu-shi(Very rare)
16 Sakai-shi(Very rare)
16 Hirakata-shi(Very rare)
16 Ikoma-shi(Very rare)
16 Yamaguchi-shi(Very rare)
16 Houfu-shi(Very rare)
16 Hiroshima-shi Saeki-ku(Very rare)
16 Fukuyama-shi(Very rare)
16 Niwa-gun Fusou-chou(Very rare)
16 Kasugai-shi(Very rare)
16 Hachiouji-shi(Very rare)
16 Oota-ku(Very rare)
16 Meguro-ku(Very rare)
16 Shioya-gun Takanezawa-machi(Very rare)
16 Atsugi-shi(Very rare)
16 Yamato-shi(Very rare)
16 Kawasaki-shi Nakahara-ku(Very rare)
16 Yokohama-shi Asahi-ku(Very rare)
16 Yokohama-shi Kanazawa-ku(Very rare)
16 Munakata-shi(Very rare)
16 Tagawa-gun Fukuchi-machi(Very rare)
16 Fukuoka-shi Jounan-ku(Very rare)
16 Tsuchiura-shi(Very rare)
16 Kitamatsuura-gun Saza-chou(Very rare)
16 Tagata-gun Kan'nami-chou(Very rare)
16 Kouchi-shi(Very rare)
16 Kagoshima-shi(Very rare)