Etymology and distribution of 瀬ノ上.

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Etymology of 瀬ノ上

Distribution of 瀬ノ上
1 Takayama-shi(About 40)
2 Sorachishi-chou Naie-chou(About 10)
2 Kani-shi(About 10)
2 Naka-gun Naka-chou(About 10)
5 Akashi-shi(Very rare)
5 Sapporo-shi Kita-ku(Very rare)
5 Bibai-shi(Very rare)
5 Yachiyo-shi(Very rare)
5 Chiba-shi Wakaba-ku(Very rare)
5 Yoshikawa-shi(Very rare)
5 Kawaguchi-shi(Very rare)
5 Kasukabe-shi(Very rare)
5 Oosaka-shi Higashiyodogawa-ku(Very rare)
5 Ikoma-gun Ikaruga-chou(Very rare)
5 Sendai-shi Miyagino-ku(Very rare)
5 Oosaki-shi(Very rare)
5 Tomiya-shi(Very rare)
5 Kurihara-shi(Very rare)
5 Tome-shi(Very rare)
5 Ishinomaki-shi(Very rare)
5 Kai-shi(Very rare)
5 Tokushima-shi(Very rare)
5 Niwa-gun Fusou-chou(Very rare)
5 Nagoya-shi Atsuta-ku(Very rare)
5 Nagoya-shi Midori-ku(Very rare)
5 Toukai-shi(Very rare)
5 Kita-ku(Very rare)
5 Tama-shi(Very rare)
5 Utsunomiya-shi(Very rare)
5 Kawasaki-shi Asao-ku(Very rare)
5 Yokohama-shi Sakae-ku(Very rare)
5 Yokohama-shi Izumi-ku(Very rare)
5 Yokosuka-shi(Very rare)
5 Nagasaki-shi(Very rare)
5 Izumi-shi(Very rare)