Etymology and distribution of 湯峯.

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Etymology of 湯峯

Distribution of 湯峯
1 Iwade-shi(About 80)
2 Wakayama-shi(About 40)
3 Hidaka-gun Hidakagawa-chou(About 30)
4 Tamura-gun Miharu-machi(About 20)
5 Eniwa-shi(About 10)
5 Gobou-shi(About 10)
5 Kawasaki-shi Asao-ku(About 10)
5 Kooriyama-shi(About 10)
9 Yokkaichi-shi(Very rare)
9 Kawanishi-shi(Very rare)
9 Otaru-shi(Very rare)
9 Abashirishi-chou Kun'neppu-chou(Very rare)
9 Kushiroshi-chou Kushiro-chou(Very rare)
9 Kashiwa-shi(Very rare)
9 Higashimuro-gun Nachikatsuura-chou(Very rare)
9 Saitama-shi Oomiya-ku(Very rare)
9 Kazo-shi(Very rare)
9 Yao-shi(Very rare)
9 Sakai-shi(Very rare)
9 Oosaka-shi Higashinari-ku(Very rare)
9 Oosaka-shi Higashiyodogawa-ku(Very rare)
9 Kishiwada-shi(Very rare)
9 Kaidzuka-shi(Very rare)
9 Takatsuki-shi(Very rare)
9 Nara-shi(Very rare)
9 Seki-shi(Very rare)
9 Miyoshi-shi(Very rare)
9 Inuyama-shi(Very rare)
9 Niigata-shi(Very rare)
9 Hachiouji-shi(Very rare)
9 Arakawa-ku(Very rare)
9 Ootawara-shi(Very rare)
9 Kouka-shi(Very rare)
9 Kamakura-shi(Very rare)
9 Nankoku-shi(Very rare)