Etymology and distribution of 清弘.

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Etymology of 清弘

Distribution of 清弘
1 Iwakuni-shi(About 60)
2 Hikari-shi(About 30)
3 Furano-shi(About 10)
3 Kumage-gun Tabuse-chou(About 10)
5 Shuunan-shi(About 10)
5 Anjou-shi(About 10)
5 Taitou-ku(About 10)
5 Kitakyuushuu-shi Kokuraminami-ku(About 10)
9 Ashiya-shi(Very rare)
9 Asahikawa-shi(Very rare)
9 Chiba-shi Mihama-ku(Very rare)
9 Kasukabe-shi(Very rare)
9 Fukaya-shi(Very rare)
9 Oosaka-shi Minato-ku(Very rare)
9 Moriguchi-shi(Very rare)
9 Neyagawa-shi(Very rare)
9 Matsubara-shi(Very rare)
9 Minoo-shi(Very rare)
9 Nara-shi(Very rare)
9 Kudamatsu-shi(Very rare)
9 Shimonoseki-shi(Very rare)
9 Yamaguchi-shi(Very rare)
9 Houfu-shi(Very rare)
9 Koufu-shi(Very rare)
9 Kure-shi(Very rare)
9 Aki-gun Kaita-chou(Very rare)
9 Kasugai-shi(Very rare)
9 Setagaya-ku(Very rare)
9 Oota-ku(Very rare)
9 Adachi-ku(Very rare)
9 Yokohama-shi Isogo-ku(Very rare)
9 Sagamihara-shi(Very rare)
9 Kurume-shi(Very rare)
9 Itou-shi(Very rare)
9 Fuji-shi(Very rare)
9 Takamatsu-shi(Very rare)