Etymology and distribution of 水竹.

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Etymology of 水竹

Distribution of 水竹
1 Iwaki-shi(About 150)
2 Karatsu-shi(About 60)
3 Sakai-shi(About 10)
3 Hitachi-shi(About 10)
5 Urayasu-shi(About 10)
5 Fujisawa-shi(About 10)
5 Kitaibaraki-shi(About 10)
8 Ise-shi(Very rare)
8 Saga-shi(Very rare)
8 Yachiyo-shi(Very rare)
8 Saitama-shi(Very rare)
8 Tokorozawa-shi(Very rare)
8 Oosaka-shi Yodogawa-ku(Very rare)
8 Takatsuki-shi(Very rare)
8 Uda-shi(Very rare)
8 Miyagi-gun Shichigahama-machi(Very rare)
8 Hokuto-shi(Very rare)
8 Kani-shi(Very rare)
8 Itabashi-ku(Very rare)
8 Machida-shi(Very rare)
8 Inagi-shi(Very rare)
8 Katsushika-ku(Very rare)
8 Ootsu-shi(Very rare)
8 Nanao-shi(Very rare)
8 Kahoku-gun Tsubata-machi(Very rare)
8 Yokohama-shi Kanazawa-ku(Very rare)
8 Nihonmatsu-shi(Very rare)
8 Aidzuwakamatsu-shi(Very rare)
8 Futaba-gun Hirono-machi(Very rare)
8 Tamura-gun Ono-machi(Very rare)
8 Takasaki-shi(Very rare)
8 Tsukuba-shi(Very rare)
8 Hitachioota-shi(Very rare)
8 Sasebo-shi(Very rare)
8 Yaidzu-shi(Very rare)