Etymology and distribution of 松嶌.

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Etymology of 松嶌

Distribution of 松嶌
1 Nagahama-shi(About 30)
2 Kumamoto-shi(About 20)
3 Yao-shi(About 10)
3 Toyonaka-shi(About 10)
3 Tsuruga-shi(About 10)
6 Kume-gun Misaki-chou(About 10)
7 Yokkaichi-shi(Very rare)
7 Chiba-shi Hanamigawa-ku(Very rare)
7 Funabashi-shi(Very rare)
7 Sakai-shi(Very rare)
7 Oosaka-shi Hirano-ku(Very rare)
7 Oosaka-shi Nishinari-ku(Very rare)
7 Minoo-shi(Very rare)
7 Yoshino-gun Yoshino-chou(Very rare)
7 Yoshino-gun Ooyodo-chou(Very rare)
7 Tenri-shi(Very rare)
7 Shibata-gun Shibata-machi(Very rare)
7 Takaoka-shi(Very rare)
7 Motosu-shi(Very rare)
7 Okayama-shi(Very rare)
7 Toyohashi-shi(Very rare)
7 Nakano-ku(Very rare)
7 Ootsu-shi(Very rare)
7 Moriyama-shi(Very rare)
7 Hikone-shi(Very rare)
7 Maibara-shi(Very rare)
7 Mikata-gun Mihama-chou(Very rare)
7 Kasuya-gun Sue-machi(Very rare)
7 Midori-shi(Very rare)
7 Isesaki-shi(Very rare)
7 Maebashi-shi(Very rare)
7 Yuuki-shi(Very rare)
7 Adzumino-shi(Very rare)
7 Takamatsu-shi(Very rare)