Etymology and distribution of 村住.

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Etymology of 村住

Distribution of 村住
1 Otaru-shi(About 30)
2 Sapporo-shi Chuuou-ku(About 20)
3 Himeji-shi(About 10)
3 Amagasaki-shi(About 10)
5 Asahikawa-shi(About 10)
5 Bibai-shi(About 10)
5 Uwajima-shi(About 10)
5 Ootsu-shi(About 10)
5 Nankoku-shi(About 10)
10 Kameyama-shi(Very rare)
10 Minamiawaji-shi(Very rare)
10 Koube-shi Kita-ku(Very rare)
10 Sapporo-shi Kita-ku(Very rare)
10 Sapporo-shi Higashi-ku(Very rare)
10 Sapporo-shi Kiyota-ku(Very rare)
10 Sapporo-shi Toyohira-ku(Very rare)
10 Ebetsu-shi(Very rare)
10 Tomakomai-shi(Very rare)
10 Funabashi-shi(Very rare)
10 Iruma-shi(Very rare)
10 Suita-shi(Very rare)
10 Oosaka-shi Nishiyodogawa-ku(Very rare)
10 Takatsuki-shi(Very rare)
10 Nara-shi(Very rare)
10 Iyo-shi(Very rare)
10 Kitauwa-gun Kihoku-chou(Very rare)
10 Oozu-shi(Very rare)
10 Touon-shi(Very rare)
10 Kodaira-shi(Very rare)
10 Rittou-shi(Very rare)
10 Kusatsu-shi(Very rare)
10 Kanazawa-shi(Very rare)
10 Yokohama-shi Kounan-ku(Very rare)
10 Hitachi-shi(Very rare)
10 Hachinohe-shi(Very rare)
10 Iwata-shi(Very rare)