Etymology and distribution of 有持.

The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary. Play で手に入れよう

ネットの電話帳 住宅地図 マッポン!



Etymology of 有持

Distribution of 有持
1 Yoshinogawa-shi(About 70)
2 Myouzai-gun Ishii-chou(About 40)
2 Tokushima-shi(About 40)
4 Amagasaki-shi(About 20)
4 Shibetsu-shi(About 20)
6 Koube-shi Tarumi-ku(About 10)
6 Yao-shi(About 10)
6 Suita-shi(About 10)
6 Oosaka-shi Minato-ku(About 10)
6 Takatsuki-shi(About 10)
6 Aikou-gun Kiyokawa-mura(About 10)
12 Koube-shi Chuuou-ku(Very rare)
12 Asahikawa-shi(Very rare)
12 Oosaka-shi Hirano-ku(Very rare)
12 Moriguchi-shi(Very rare)
12 Neyagawa-shi(Very rare)
12 Higashioosaka-shi(Very rare)
12 Toyonaka-shi(Very rare)
12 Yamatokooriyama-shi(Very rare)
12 Yamatotakada-shi(Very rare)
12 Nara-shi(Very rare)
12 Ikoma-shi(Very rare)
12 Miyakonojou-shi(Very rare)
12 Masuda-shi(Very rare)
12 Itano-gun Matsushige-chou(Very rare)
12 Kawasaki-shi Saiwai-ku(Very rare)
12 Onga-gun Okagaki-machi(Very rare)
12 Onga-gun Mizumaki-machi(Very rare)
12 Kouchi-shi(Very rare)
12 Soo-shi(Very rare)