Etymology and distribution of 室星.

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Etymology of 室星

Distribution of 室星
1 Kashiwazaki-shi(About 80)
2 Kariwa-gun Kariwa-mura(About 30)
3 Niigata-shi(About 20)
3 Shizuoka-shi(About 20)
5 Kaminoyama-shi(About 10)
5 Kure-shi(About 10)
5 Nagaoka-shi(About 10)
8 Ageo-shi(About 10)
8 Kodaira-shi(About 10)
8 Shibuya-ku(About 10)
8 Kawasaki-shi Saiwai-ku(About 10)
8 Oota-shi(About 10)
13 Kuwana-gun Kisosaki-chou(Very rare)
13 Chiba-shi Inage-ku(Very rare)
13 Narashino-shi(Very rare)
13 Saitama-shi Kita-ku(Very rare)
13 Saitama-shi Minuma-ku(Very rare)
13 Kitakatsushika-gun Sugito-machi(Very rare)
13 Tokorozawa-shi(Very rare)
13 Kasukabe-shi(Very rare)
13 Souka-shi(Very rare)
13 Mishima-gun Shimamoto-chou(Very rare)
13 Oosaka-shi Sumiyoshi-ku(Very rare)
13 Yamagata-shi(Very rare)
13 Sakata-shi(Very rare)
13 Fukuyama-shi(Very rare)
13 Nagoya-shi Meitou-ku(Very rare)
13 Chita-gun Taketoyo-chou(Very rare)
13 Jouetsu-shi(Very rare)
13 Itoigawa-shi(Very rare)
13 Shinagawa-ku(Very rare)
13 Tama-shi(Very rare)
13 Oota-ku(Very rare)
13 Koganei-shi(Very rare)
13 Itabashi-ku(Very rare)
13 Hamura-shi(Very rare)
13 Katsushika-ku(Very rare)
13 Hiratsuka-shi(Very rare)
13 Zama-shi(Very rare)
13 Yokohama-shi Asahi-ku(Very rare)
13 Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ku(Very rare)
13 Yokosuka-shi(Very rare)
13 Sagamihara-shi(Very rare)
13 Fujisawa-shi(Very rare)
13 Kamakura-shi(Very rare)
13 Fukushima-shi(Very rare)
13 Hitachinaka-shi(Very rare)
13 Hitachi-shi(Very rare)
13 Ushiku-shi(Very rare)
13 Nagano-shi(Very rare)
13 Gotenba-shi(Very rare)