Etymology and distribution of 壁田.

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Etymology of 壁田

Distribution of 壁田
1 Sagamihara-shi(About 20)
1 Kitagunma-gun Yoshioka-machi(About 20)
3 Mooka-shi(About 20)
4 An'naka-shi(About 10)
4 Tomioka-shi(About 10)
4 Chikusei-shi(About 10)
7 Kawaguchi-shi(About 10)
7 Edogawa-ku(About 10)
7 Toshima-ku(About 10)
7 Adachi-ku(About 10)
7 Higashioumi-shi(About 10)
7 Gamou-gun Hino-chou(About 10)
7 Fujisawa-shi(About 10)
7 Fukushima-shi(About 10)
15 Kounosu-shi(Very rare)
15 Hirakata-shi(Very rare)
15 Tenri-shi(Very rare)
15 Ikoma-gun Ikaruga-chou(Very rare)
15 Shiki-gun Tawaramoto-chou(Very rare)
15 Nagoya-shi Chikusa-ku(Very rare)
15 Seto-shi(Very rare)
15 Oota-ku(Very rare)
15 Itabashi-ku(Very rare)
15 Shimotsuke-shi(Very rare)
15 Utsunomiya-shi(Very rare)
15 Tochigi-shi(Very rare)
15 Oumihachiman-shi(Very rare)
15 Yokohama-shi Kouhoku-ku(Very rare)
15 Ayase-shi(Very rare)
15 Isesaki-shi(Very rare)
15 Maebashi-shi(Very rare)
15 Kiryuu-shi(Very rare)
15 Oura-gun Itakura-machi(Very rare)
15 Takasaki-shi(Very rare)
15 Tsukuba-shi(Very rare)
15 Ushiku-shi(Very rare)
15 Yuuki-shi(Very rare)
15 Shizuoka-shi(Very rare)