Etymology and distribution of 坊山.

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Etymology of 坊山

Distribution of 坊山
1 Fukuyama-shi(About 30)
2 Hachinohe-shi(About 20)
3 Minamisouma-shi(About 20)
4 Tsu-shi(About 10)
5 Seto-shi(About 10)
5 Hioki-shi(About 10)
7 Yokkaichi-shi(Very rare)
7 Koube-shi Hyougo-ku(Very rare)
7 Koube-shi Kita-ku(Very rare)
7 Koube-shi Nishi-ku(Very rare)
7 Nishinomiya-shi(Very rare)
7 Kushiro-shi(Very rare)
7 Yachiyo-shi(Very rare)
7 Kawaguchi-shi(Very rare)
7 Oosaka-shi Yodogawa-ku(Very rare)
7 Moriguchi-shi(Very rare)
7 Takaishi-shi(Very rare)
7 Ishinomaki-shi(Very rare)
7 Tokushima-shi(Very rare)
7 Setagaya-ku(Very rare)
7 Koutou-ku(Very rare)
7 Hakui-gun Shika-machi(Very rare)
7 Naka-gun Ninomiya-machi(Very rare)
7 Kouza-gun Samukawa-machi(Very rare)
7 Kitakyuushuu-shi Wakamatsu-ku(Very rare)
7 Iwaki-shi(Very rare)
7 Souma-shi(Very rare)
7 Kitaibaraki-shi(Very rare)
7 Hitachi-shi(Very rare)
7 Inashiki-shi(Very rare)
7 Suntou-gun Shimizu-chou(Very rare)
7 Aira-shi(Very rare)
7 Kagoshima-shi(Very rare)