Etymology and distribution of 善財.

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Etymology of 善財

Distribution of 善財
1 Nagano-shi(About 300)
2 Suzaka-shi(About 30)
3 Kamitakai-gun Obuse-machi(About 10)
3 Nakano-shi(About 10)
5 Hachiouji-shi(About 10)
5 Yokosuka-shi(About 10)
5 Matsumoto-shi(About 10)
8 Sapporo-shi Nishi-ku(Very rare)
8 Chiba-shi Hanamigawa-ku(Very rare)
8 Funabashi-shi(Very rare)
8 Fujimino-shi(Very rare)
8 Ageo-shi(Very rare)
8 Iruma-gun Miyoshi-machi(Very rare)
8 Kakamigahara-shi(Very rare)
8 Morioka-shi(Very rare)
8 Nagoya-shi Midori-ku(Very rare)
8 Tookamachi-shi(Very rare)
8 Minamiuonuma-shi(Very rare)
8 Taitou-ku(Very rare)
8 Edogawa-ku(Very rare)
8 Adachi-ku(Very rare)
8 Shimotsuga-gun Nogi-machi(Very rare)
8 Kaga-shi(Very rare)
8 Yamato-shi(Very rare)
8 Kawasaki-shi Miyamae-ku(Very rare)
8 Yokohama-shi Kouhoku-ku(Very rare)
8 Ebina-shi(Very rare)
8 Sagamihara-shi(Very rare)
8 Date-shi(Very rare)
8 Tomioka-shi(Very rare)
8 Shibukawa-shi(Very rare)
8 Koga-shi(Very rare)
8 Kamiminochi-gun Iidzuna-machi(Very rare)
8 Chikuma-shi(Very rare)
8 Adzumino-shi(Very rare)
8 Susono-shi(Very rare)