Etymology and distribution of 和西.

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Etymology of 和西

Distribution of 和西
1 Houfu-shi(About 40)
2 Yamaguchi-shi(About 30)
3 San'youonoda-shi(About 20)
4 Kure-shi(About 10)
5 Sakai-shi(About 10)
5 Matsubara-shi(About 10)
5 Itano-gun Matsushige-chou(About 10)
5 Kaifu-gun Mugi-chou(About 10)
9 Yachiyo-shi(Very rare)
9 Tanabe-shi(Very rare)
9 Saitama-shi Midori-ku(Very rare)
9 Hasuda-shi(Very rare)
9 Oosaka-shi Hirano-ku(Very rare)
9 Oosaka-shi Yodogawa-ku(Very rare)
9 Habikino-shi(Very rare)
9 Kaidzuka-shi(Very rare)
9 Sendai-shi Taihaku-ku(Very rare)
9 Shimonoseki-shi(Very rare)
9 Shuunan-shi(Very rare)
9 Etajima-shi(Very rare)
9 Komatsushima-shi(Very rare)
9 Tokushima-shi(Very rare)
9 Iyo-gun Tobe-chou(Very rare)
9 Nakano-ku(Very rare)
9 Ootsu-shi(Very rare)
9 Sagamihara-shi(Very rare)
9 Sabae-shi(Very rare)
9 Kitakyuushuu-shi Kokuraminami-ku(Very rare)
9 Kasuya-gun Kasuya-machi(Very rare)