Etymology and distribution of 古上.

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Etymology of 古上

Distribution of 古上
1 Kumamoto-shi(About 130)
2 Kimitsu-shi(About 10)
2 Anan-shi(About 10)
2 Setagaya-ku(About 10)
5 Oosaka-shi Taishou-ku(About 10)
5 Niwa-gun Fusou-chou(About 10)
7 Koube-shi Nishi-ku(Very rare)
7 Yachimata-shi(Very rare)
7 Yao-shi(Very rare)
7 Oosaka-shi Suminoe-ku(Very rare)
7 Oosaka-shi Konohana-ku(Very rare)
7 Higashioosaka-shi(Very rare)
7 Kashiwara-shi(Very rare)
7 Miyazaki-shi(Very rare)
7 Higashimorokata-gun Kunitomi-chou(Very rare)
7 Nanto-shi(Very rare)
7 Mine-shi(Very rare)
7 Miyoshi-shi(Very rare)
7 Shoubara-shi(Very rare)
7 Fukuyama-shi(Very rare)
7 Ichinomiya-shi(Very rare)
7 Kita-ku(Very rare)
7 Oota-ku(Very rare)
7 Shinjuku-ku(Very rare)
7 Rittou-shi(Very rare)
7 Yatsushiro-shi(Very rare)
7 Fukutsu-shi(Very rare)
7 Mitoyo-shi(Very rare)
7 Izumi-shi(Very rare)