Etymology and distribution of 半村.

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Etymology of 半村

Distribution of 半村
1 Sashima-gun Sakai-machi(About 140)
2 Satte-shi(About 20)
2 Koshigaya-shi(About 20)
4 Katsushika-ku(About 10)
5 Kawaguchi-shi(About 10)
5 Koutou-ku(About 10)
5 Adachi-ku(About 10)
5 Nonoichi-shi(About 10)
5 Koga-shi(About 10)
10 Chiba-shi Chuuou-ku(Very rare)
10 Ichikawa-shi(Very rare)
10 Matsudo-shi(Very rare)
10 Urayasu-shi(Very rare)
10 Funabashi-shi(Very rare)
10 Saitama-shi Nishi-ku(Very rare)
10 Kitakatsushika-gun Sugito-machi(Very rare)
10 Fujimi-shi(Very rare)
10 Fukaya-shi(Very rare)
10 Souka-shi(Very rare)
10 Nagoya-shi Meitou-ku(Very rare)
10 Kita-ku(Very rare)
10 Kokubunji-shi(Very rare)
10 Sumida-ku(Very rare)
10 Suginami-ku(Very rare)
10 Edogawa-ku(Very rare)
10 Meguro-ku(Very rare)
10 Kanazawa-shi(Very rare)
10 Tsuchiura-shi(Very rare)
10 Bandou-shi(Very rare)
10 Matsumoto-shi(Very rare)
10 Suntou-gun Nagaizumi-chou(Very rare)