Etymology and distribution of 久保江.

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Etymology of 久保江

Distribution of 久保江
1 Shimonoseki-shi(About 110)
2 Gifu-shi(About 20)
3 Motosu-shi(About 10)
3 Akita-shi(About 10)
5 Ageo-shi(About 10)
5 Ibi-gun Oono-chou(About 10)
5 Nagoya-shi Tenpaku-ku(About 10)
5 Daisen-shi(About 10)
5 Ayauta-gun Ayagawa-chou(About 10)
10 Wakayama-shi(Very rare)
10 Okegawa-shi(Very rare)
10 Sayama-shi(Very rare)
10 Yao-shi(Very rare)
10 Oosaki-shi(Very rare)
10 Nagato-shi(Very rare)
10 Kakamigahara-shi(Very rare)
10 Motosu-gun Kitagata-chou(Very rare)
10 Hashima-shi(Very rare)
10 Takayama-shi(Very rare)
10 Hiroshima-shi Naka-ku(Very rare)
10 Hiroshima-shi Nishi-ku(Very rare)
10 Higashihiroshima-shi(Very rare)
10 Touon-shi(Very rare)
10 Nagoya-shi Minami-ku(Very rare)
10 Setagaya-ku(Very rare)
10 Kodaira-shi(Very rare)
10 Koutou-ku(Very rare)
10 Adachi-ku(Very rare)
10 Sagamihara-shi(Very rare)
10 Kamakura-shi(Very rare)