Etymology and distribution of 中津原.

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Etymology of 中津原

Distribution of 中津原
1 Nasu-gun Nakagawa-machi(About 30)
2 Utsunomiya-shi(About 20)
3 Saitama-shi Oomiya-ku(About 10)
3 Ichinomiya-shi(About 10)
3 Okazaki-shi(About 10)
3 Nasukarasuyama-shi(About 10)
7 Inabe-shi(Very rare)
7 Kuwana-shi(Very rare)
7 Tsu-shi(Very rare)
7 Oshimashi-chou Yakumo-chou(Very rare)
7 Matsudo-shi(Very rare)
7 Narashino-shi(Very rare)
7 Chousei-gun Ichinomiya-machi(Very rare)
7 Saitama-shi(Very rare)
7 Kasukabe-shi(Very rare)
7 Hasuda-shi(Very rare)
7 Habikino-shi(Very rare)
7 Shimoniikawa-gun Nyuuzen-machi(Very rare)
7 Namerikawa-shi(Very rare)
7 Yamaguchi-shi(Very rare)
7 Komaki-shi(Very rare)
7 Toyohashi-shi(Very rare)
7 Koganei-shi(Very rare)
7 Suginami-ku(Very rare)
7 Sakura-shi(Very rare)
7 Tochigi-shi(Very rare)
7 Yaita-shi(Very rare)
7 Yokohama-shi Asahi-ku(Very rare)
7 Fukuoka-shi Jounan-ku(Very rare)
7 Kooriyama-shi(Very rare)