Etymology and distribution of 三渡.

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Etymology of 三渡

Distribution of 三渡
1 Himeji-shi(About 60)
2 Shisou-shi(About 30)
3 Nagoya-shi Tenpaku-ku(About 10)
3 Kounan-shi(About 10)
5 Ise-shi(Very rare)
5 Watarai-gun Tamaki-chou(Very rare)
5 Kakogawa-shi(Very rare)
5 Kako-gun Harima-chou(Very rare)
5 Takaradzuka-shi(Very rare)
5 Amagasaki-shi(Very rare)
5 Ibo-gun Taishi-chou(Very rare)
5 Koube-shi Hyougo-ku(Very rare)
5 Koube-shi Higashinada-ku(Very rare)
5 Nishinomiya-shi(Very rare)
5 Mikasa-shi(Very rare)
5 Sapporo-shi Minami-ku(Very rare)
5 Ageo-shi(Very rare)
5 Hirakata-shi(Very rare)
5 Nara-shi(Very rare)
5 Kitamorokata-gun Mimata-chou(Very rare)
5 Saito-shi(Very rare)
5 Higashihiroshima-shi(Very rare)
5 Nagoya-shi Kita-ku(Very rare)
5 Nagoya-shi Mizuho-ku(Very rare)
5 Hachiouji-shi(Very rare)
5 Fuchuu-shi(Very rare)
5 Minato-ku(Very rare)
5 Arao-shi(Very rare)
5 Yokohama-shi Kouhoku-ku(Very rare)
5 Yokohama-shi Isogo-ku(Very rare)
5 Nihonmatsu-shi(Very rare)