Etymology and distribution of 一氏.

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Etymology of 一氏

Distribution of 一氏
1 Minamikyuushuu-shi(About 200)
2 Kagoshima-shi(About 50)
3 Oosaka-shi Hirano-ku(About 20)
4 Koube-shi Tarumi-ku(About 10)
4 Katano-shi(About 10)
4 Oosaka-shi Yodogawa-ku(About 10)
4 Hirakata-shi(About 10)
4 Suginami-ku(About 10)
4 Yokohama-shi Kanagawa-ku(About 10)
10 Saga-shi(Very rare)
10 Kakogawa-shi(Very rare)
10 Amagasaki-shi(Very rare)
10 Chiba-shi Mihama-ku(Very rare)
10 Ichikawa-shi(Very rare)
10 Kashiwa-shi(Very rare)
10 Wakayama-shi(Very rare)
10 Iruma-shi(Very rare)
10 Sakado-shi(Very rare)
10 Kawaguchi-shi(Very rare)
10 Mishima-gun Shimamoto-chou(Very rare)
10 Sakai-shi(Very rare)
10 Neyagawa-shi(Very rare)
10 Higashioosaka-shi(Very rare)
10 Matsubara-shi(Very rare)
10 Kashiwara-shi(Very rare)
10 Takatsuki-shi(Very rare)
10 Takaishi-shi(Very rare)
10 Miyazaki-shi(Very rare)
10 Higashimorokata-gun Aya-chou(Very rare)
10 Saito-shi(Very rare)
10 Shimonoseki-shi(Very rare)
10 Kurashiki-shi(Very rare)
10 Asakuchi-shi(Very rare)
10 Matsue-shi(Very rare)
10 Kariya-shi(Very rare)
10 Hekinan-shi(Very rare)
10 Shinagawa-ku(Very rare)
10 Oota-ku(Very rare)
10 Nishitoukyou-shi(Very rare)
10 Munakata-shi(Very rare)
10 Chikushi-gun Nakagawa-machi(Very rare)
10 Saihaku-gun Daisen-chou(Very rare)
10 Aira-shi(Very rare)
10 Ibusuki-shi(Very rare)
10 Kimotsuki-gun Kinkou-chou(Very rare)
10 Kanoya-shi(Very rare)