Etymology and distribution of 鴨宮.

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Kamomiya 【鴨宮】レベル3
About 120
  The Japanese surnames etymology dictionary.

Hiroshima-ken , Fukuoka-ken , Kagoshima-ken .

Hiroshima-ken Mihara-shi Origin of the Kihara. A place name with a record since the Edo period.

Hiroshima-ken Higashihiroshima-shi Takayamachi Takahaya Originated from Kimuhara in a small figure in the east .

Saga-ken Saga-shi Origin of the Kihara. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period.

Kumamoto-ken Kumamoto-shi Birth of Kihara (Kiwara) Fujimachi Minami-ku. A place name with a record since the Kamakura period.

Tottori-ken Yazu-gun Chidzu-chou Origin of the Kihara. A place name with a record since the Warring States Period.

Shizuoka-ken Fukuroi-shi Origin of Kihara (Kiwara). A place name with a record since the Warring States Period.

Kagoshima-ken Ichikikushikino-shi Originated from Kihara, a small figure of Terashima. There was a Kihara residence of the gate division system in the Edo period in the same place.

Topography . From tree and original. From the Kihara gate of the gate division system that was in the Edo period. An example of the location of the gate. Kagoshima-ken Kimotsuki-gun Kimotsuki-chou Shinnito, Miyazaki-ken Ebino-shi Ikejima. Good neighbor . Miyazaki-ken Nobeoka-shi It is distributed in Shihama-cho.

Korean type . Summary . Use "wood" included by Lee. Toukyou-to Nishitama-gun There is a record of naturalization on July 6, 1961 in Mizuho-machi . The real name is Li. Ri reference.

if shown . Korean type . Use "wood" including Park. Oosaka-fu Oosaka-shi There is a record of naturalization on April 27, 1955 in Minato-ku. The real name is Park. Boku reference.

2019年 11月 14日 更新

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Whole Japan Prefectures
レベル3 1 Fukuoka-ken(About 20)
1 Gifu-ken(About 20)
3 Kanagawa-ken(About 10)
3 Toukyou-to(About 10)
3 Oosaka-fu(About 10)
3 Saitama-ken(About 10)
7 Shizuoka-ken(About 10)
7 Tochigi-ken(About 10)
7 Mie-ken(About 10)
10 Nagasaki-ken(Very rare)
PopulationAbout 120
Rank by city
1 Hida-shi(About 10)
2 Kitakyuushuu-shi Tobata-ku(About 10)
2 Tochigi-shi(About 10)
4 Nakano-ku(Very rare)
4 Asakura-gun Chikuzen-machi(Very rare)
4 Chikushi-gun Nakagawa-machi(Very rare)
4 Nabari-shi(Very rare)
4 Sagamihara-shi(Very rare)
4 Zushi-shi(Very rare)
4 Yokosuka-shi(Very rare)
Rank by subregion
1 岐阜県 飛騨市 貴船町(About 10)
2 栃木県 栃木市 富田(About 10)
都道府県分布数図 市区町村分布数図 小地域分布数図

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